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When we make the choice of love, that is the highest choice, the noblest choice, our true Self.

~Supreme Master Ching Hai

Master's Day in Florida
To view big photos

Master Tells Jokes
* The Wrong Kind of Doctor *Even A Dog Can Understand It *A Misplaced Guide

Master's Words
* Beware of Maya's Traps

Spiritual Interludes
* Torchbearers of God
Master Fulfills My Wishes

Group Meditation
* The Philippines

Supreme Master Ching Hai's TV Programs
* Supreme Master Ching Hai's TV Programs
Panorama of Events
* Mongolia *Japan *Macau *Chile *USA *Formosa
Mother's Day Special Report
*Greeting Cards in Veneration of Our Dear Holy Mother
* The Holy Mother's Divine Love Infuses Florida, USA
Vegetarian Houses Around the World

*Vegetarian Houses Around the World

Love in Action

* Master's Blessings Continue to Flow to South Africa

While on the Path
* A Miracle at the Surrey Retreat
Story World
* Boundless Blessings from a Bag of Rice
Master's Wonders
* Master's Love Softens the Toughest Hearts
* Missing Dearest Master in the White Flower Grove
Center Events
* Korea
* Austin, USA
Master Tells A Story
* The Golden Deer -- One of the Buddha's Previous Lives
Pearls of Wisdom
* Animals Are Our Friends *Share the World with All Beings *All Living Creatures Are Equal
Master Says
* Love Your Pets as Yourself
Selected Questions and Answers


The Sentient World of Animals
* Giving Loving Attention Equally *Stray Dog Medical Team
My Amazing Animal Friends
Elevation of the Soul
* Supreme Master Ching Hai's Latest Videotapes
Media Reports
* Lapis Lazuli Light World Magazine *Liberty Times, Formosa and Related Reports
New Publications
*Traces of a Previous Life
*Supreme Master Ching Hai's Latest Books & DVDs
Quan Yin WWW Sites
* Quan Yin WWW Sites
Our Liaison Practitioners Around the World
* Our Liaison Practitioners Around the World

A Little Message:
In speaking of God, or the Supreme Spirit, Master instructs us to use original non-sexist
terms to avoid the argument about whether God is a She or a He.
She + He = Hes (as in Bless)
Her + Him = Hirm (as in Firm)
Hers + His = Hiers (as in Dear)
Example: When God wants, Hes makes things happen according to
Hiers will to suit Hirmself.

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