Panorama of Events

2002 Tokyo International Book Exhibition

[Tokyo] In order to share Master's teachings with the public, initiates from the Tokyo Center participated in the Tokyo International Book Exhibition from April 18 to 21, 2002. Before the event, fellow practitioners had exerted their utmost effort to have the Japanese editions of Master's books printed in time. Compared to the previous book fair we participated in, a much richer variety of Master's publications was available for display this year, providing great encouragement and joy for Japanese fellow practitioners.

To give more people a chance to appreciate Master's artistic creations, we also displayed Her paintings and Longevity Lamps at the venue. As our exhibition booth was being beautifully decorated with Master's spiritually radiant art works, the environment was permeated by a cordial and peaceful ambiance.

Many visitors earnestly visited our booth, including one who told us that, after having heard about Master's compassionate deeds when he was traveling in Egypt, he began looking for our group. He was deeply touched by his "coincidental" encounter with us that day and was sincerely grateful for Master's incredible arrangement. Another visitor was skeptical after hesitantly receiving the sample booklet. After reading it at home, however, he found himself really liking Master's teachings, and returned with his friend the following day.

We hope that this book exhibition will help more people to form bonds of affinity with Master, and subsequently embark on the way to their true Home in the near future.

Panorama of Events
Report from Japan

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