Panorama of Events
Fiji  / New Zealand  / USA  / Korea  / Mongolia

Temples We Are

 Letters between Master and Disciples
Deep Yearning for Complete Initiation

 Creating a Compassionate and Vegetarian Global Village
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Master’s Letter to Fellow Initiates

 Reflections on Spiritual Practice
Living Examples of Wisdom from Master

 Spiritual Interludes
Unexpected Benefits from Master's Lectures

 Master Says
Make Miracles with Your Positive Spirit

 Selected Questions and Answers
Give Unconditionally and Let God Take Care of the Rest  / Learn to be Compassionate from Small Ways  / The Highest Realms Are Ruled with Love and Grace

 Pearls of Wisdom
Is It OK to Consume Milk?  / The Cow, Our Second Mother

 While on the Path
Daily Gifts of Happiness for a Quan Yin Family

 Series of Shining World Leadership
Norway  / The EU, Spearheading Alternative Energy Globally

 Positive Improvements on the Planet
China  / Northern Ireland  / Spain  / Sri Lanka

 The Golden Age Lifestyle
A Visionary Housing Development that Supports Energy-Sustainable Living  / Combining Science and Vision to Progressively Eliminate the World’s Energy Problems

 Master Tells Jokes
An East-West Connection  / It’s Not My Fault!  / The Most Patient Audience Member

 Master Tells Stories
Practical Experience is Superior to Empty Theories

 The Sentient World of Animals
Love is the Best Communication

 Master’s Words
The Power of Telepathy

 Helpful Tips
An Effective and Safe Disinfectant for All Sentient Beings

 Supreme Master Ching Hai’s TV Program
 “A Journey through Aesthetic Realms” TV Series National Monthly Broadcast on i:Independent Television

 Vegetarian Era
Firefighters Go Vegetarian  / Solution to Energy Crisis:Alternative Fuels and a Vegetarian Diet  / A Revealing Tale: The Meatrix  / Continued list of Vegetarian and Vegan Elite of the World

 Love in Action
Iran / Expenditures for Relief Efforts Rendered to Earthquake Victims in Iran by The Supreme Master Ching Hai and Her Association

 Media Reports
The Newspaper “ojo -- Mirada a la Actualidad”

 Elevation of the Soul
Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Latest DVD  / Supreme Master Ching Hai’s latest CD

 Holistic Animal Care
Happy Doggie – Celestial Clothes and Sleeping Mattresses for Dogs

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News No. 167
Published: May 10, Golden Year 3 (2006)
Founded: April 1, 1990
Published By: The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association
Publisher: Hsieh Hsin-Lin

In speaking of God or the Supreme Spirit, Master instructs us to use original non-sexist terms to avoid the argument about whether God is a She or a He.
She + He = Hes (as in Bless)
Her + Him = Hirm (as in Firm)
Hers + His = Hiers (as in Dear)
Example: When God wishes, Hes makes things happen according to Hiers will to suit Hirmself.

As a creator of artistic designs as well as a spiritual teacher, Supreme Master Ching Hai loves all expressions of inner beauty. It is for this reason that She refers to Vietnam as "Au Lac" and Taiwan as "Formosa." Au Lac is the ancient name of Vietnam and means "happiness." And the name Formosa, meaning "beautiful," reflects more completely the beauty of the island and its people. Master feels that using these names brings spiritual elevation and luck to the land and its inhabitants.

The Supreme Master Ching Hai News is published on the Internet in the following languages: 
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