Letters between Master and Disciples
Dear Master, Greetings to You! When I feel overwhelmed by difficulty, I pray silently to You for help. You bestow calmness on me, helping me accept the things that I cannot change. When I am about to lose faith and am afraid to move forward, I silently pray for Your grace. You bestow courage on me, helping me change the things that I can change. When I am confused and hesitant, I silently pray for Your guidance. You bestow wisdom on me, helping me make the right decision. Master, Your power is omnipresent. It is You who have revitalized the weariness in me. It is You who have taught me to lead a spiritual life. Each time I read Your books, listen to Your tapes or watch Your videos, it always cleanses my mind and soul. I want very much to cleanse myself of the worldly dust in order to become enlightened and know my Self Nature. Witnessing my grandmother, my father
and my mother practicing diligently after their initiation, becoming
more understanding, leading spiritual and noble lives together and becoming
increasingly amicable and kind, I admire them very much. However, I
am only half-initiated, and there is a yearning deep within my soul.
I am anxiously waiting every day to receive full initiation and practice
the complete Quan Yin Method. I hope I may soon be liberated from this
ephemeral world and return to my Home in Heaven!