Selected Questions and Answers


Learn to be Compassionate from Small Ways

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Brisbane, Australia, March 20, 1993 (Originally in English) Videotape #337

Q: What should a non-compassionate person (someone who is not compassionate, but who recognizes that he is not compassionate) do with himself? Fake compassion or gain it in stages?

M: I would recommend the second. [Laughter] If we don’t have it, then at least we start with learning. I wouldn’t say fake compassion, but learn compassion. Just like a student who has not been able to speak English, but he may repeat it from the teacher. Even though he doesn’t know the whole vocabulary in English literature, at least he learns a few phrases and memorizes a few pages each day until he completes his course. Each one has to learn. There’s no one who is a fake; it’s just that he hasn’t learned. No one has taught him, and he has not practiced the art of compassion. Try to do it in a small way and gradually increase until you’re completely being compassionate without knowing, without self-consciously being compassionate.

The Highest Realms
Are Ruled with Love and Grace

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Stockholm, Sweden,
May 31, 1999 (Originally in English) Videotape #655 (Part I)

Q: What is universal law?

M: Universal law has two classes: One is the law of absolute love and grace, while the other is the law of action and retribution. When we’re in the higher dimensions of the Kingdom, then we have only love and grace; that’s the only law. But when we’re in the lower scales of the universe such as this physical dimension, we have to abide by the law of cause and effect. That’s what is meant by As you sow, so shall you reap in the Bible.

So, most people who are not in contact with God have to suffer the law of cause and retribution. But for those who can ascend to a higher dimension, they enjoy only grace and love. God never judges us.


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