Panorama of Events

Thanksgiving Celebration for Our Merciful Mother

[Hsihu] May is a month for thanksgiving and joyful singing, so on May 12, 2002, to celebrate Mother's Day and Master's birthday, Formosan initiates held their usual fervent celebration at the Hsihu Center. Initiates from all over Formosa came with their relatives and friends to celebrate this significant holiday occasion.

The event coincided with the second day of the Center's May two-day retreat, and began after initiates had finished their morning meditation session. The MC first briefly read birthday cards to Master from Formosan initiates, which were filled with yearning and gratitude. This was followed by a brilliant program that included singing, dancing and short plays. The beautiful rhythms and high-spirited singing set off a resonance among the audience as expressions of real emotion emerged naturally on the performers' faces. What a touching scene it was, when the yearning to see Master came from those both on and off the stage!

The warm and pleasant celebration reached a perfect conclusion as we all shared vegetarian cake and blessed food.

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Panorama of Events
Report from Formosa

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