[Houston] On
July 24, 2005 local initiates conducted a clothing donation activity
at Houston’s Love and Fisher Shelter to help the homeless in
the area have sufficient clothes to change into during the sweltering
summer months. The brothers and sisters shared Master’s love
by distributing clothing, shoes and personal hygiene products to the
needy, who were very touched by Master’s unconditional love,
and so the initiates promised to return in November to serve a vegetarian
feast at the Shelter.
on July 30, the Houston practitioners held a seminar at the Chinese
Community Center Town Park featuring Master’s inspiring lecture
Illusion is a Reflection of Reality delivered in Manila, the Philippines
in 2000. The sisters and brothers also served a delicious vegetarian
meal to their guests, who enjoyed the food immensely. And afterwards
some attendees learned the Convenient Method of meditation.
During the clothing project and seminar a sense
of peace and love filled the air, and both activities proceeded smoothly
due to Master’s ever present guidance. Inspired by these events,
the Houston initiates will continue practicing spirituality with devotion
and also spread Master’s love and wisdom to those searching
for the Truth.