Panorama of Events

Introducing the Ultimate Truth

at the Medan Book Fair

By the Medan News Group (Originally in Indonesian)

[Medan] From August 31 to September 4, 2005, Indonesian initiates participated in the Medan Book Fair, held in the Atrium Plaza, one of Medan’s newest and largest malls. On display at the Quan Yin booth were many of Master’s publications in various languages along with Her DVD lectures.

During the Fair large numbers of visitors filled the Plaza and so the practitioners’ booth received a steady flow of guests, most of whom readily accepted the concepts of meditation and spiritual practice. Some also obtained Master’s publications for further study.

For two Sundays after the Fair, the Medan Center opened its doors so that the new Truth aspirants who had visited the initiates’ booth could watch Master’s video-lectures and speak with local practitioners to become better acquainted with the Quan Yin Method and the Center.

The initiates who participated in the Medan Book Fair all felt the immensity of Master’s grace and blessings during the event, and truly thank Her for arranging for everything to go smoothly and for the loving cooperation between the sisters and brothers. They also pray that they can continue to flourish in spiritual attainment and keep up with Master’s pace.

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