Master's Words

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Taipei, Formosa, May 2, 1989
(Originally in Chinese) Videotape No. 76


There are more than a few so-called spiritual practitioners in the world, and many have magical powers. But we have to discriminate between that kind of coarse power and God's power. God does not force people. Hes uses logic and great wisdom to help open our wisdom, and then we understand and accept Herm by our own will. But Maya uses tricks, magic power, oppression, sweet talk, and deception to force us to believe him. Even though we will wake up eventually, what a waste it is if we fall into his trap! We will have wasted our time for nothing, and will have descended to a lower level. Furthermore, our heart will be injured, and it will be very hard to recover. It is a difficult task to clean up our doubtful mind to begin with. Now our doubts deepen. Once we have fallen to a lower level, it is not easy to climb back up again.

We practitioners should possess a pure and simple mind, but simplicity does not mean stupidity. A pure and simple mind means that we don't think bad about others, nor do we curse others. We do good deeds, and we help and comfort others. Whatever we can do, we try our best to do it. We don't suspect others without discrimination. On the other hand, a stupid mind follows whatever other people say, and then the mind becomes greedy for magic power, spiritual status, and flattery. Once we drink the poison of flattery, we will become poisoned, and then we will lose the power of judgment. We will not be able to judge whether others' words are logical or reasonable, or whether that type of person is worthy of our praise, or whether we should look into those people's eyes.

Why are you in such a hurry? You have to take some time to make your judgments. If you cannot judge by yourself, you have a Master to ask since She is still here. There are still many things that you do not understand, so you need to ask Her. But you do not even ask Master because you think nothing of Her! A few of you are very confused. You band together secretly trying to revolt against me. What a joke! You think Master does not know what you are up to! I watch you through my "telescope," and laugh. It's like watching children making a mess and feeling pleased with themselves. Then you get possessed by demons, and you are even happy, thinking that your parents are not aware of what you are doing.

In order to take up the responsibility of a Master, I have to give you warnings. I do not want to interfere in your childish games. It doesn't mean anything to me if I lose any number of you. However, you have to consider carefully and understand clearly what others are doing. Master is still in the world, so you can always ask Her in case you have any questions. If She is not able to clear things up or to give you explanations, then go ahead and make decisions by yourselves.

You have already been initiated by Master, so at least you should respect Master's responsibility for you. I am not asking you to respect Master personally, but I have to remind you of certain things. I am responsible for you; I have to take you beyond the three realms before my duty is finished. If you left me midway on the path, I would feel that I had not done a good job, and then both of us would be very miserable.

The universe has its own laws. We cannot do everything at will. The world of spiritual practice is full of danger. We cannot fool around at will; otherwise, we may hurt ourselves as well as others. And then hell will await us. Here is an example: Devadatta was a cousin of Shakyamuni Buddha, and when Shakyamuni was still living, he revolted against Buddha and took with him many disciples to set up another sect. He also became a so-called master, just like Shakyamuni. However, after Shakyamuni passed away, He entered Nirvana and rose up to a very high level, with great glory and honor. The whole universe has faith in Him. And then He attained a higher and higher level up there. But do you know where Devadatta went when he died? (Audience answers: "The Hell of Flames.") Yes!

Therefore, we have to be careful in our deeds. Don't crave to be a master. Mastership is not a position or a title. Mastership is not only a Master's spoken words. Mastership is another type of power, recognized by the whole universe. It is not that simple. You see a Master talk, and you think that you can do the same, and that you can be a Master, too. No, No! Everyone can make an advertisement about biscuits, but whether the advertiser has any biscuits to offer you is an entirely different matter. We cannot deceive others with mud biscuits and tell them, "They are just like real ones." When people eat these fake biscuits, they will have stomach problems, or they will die.

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