Love in Action

A Quan Yin messenger imparts the Convenient Method of meditation to students at the Taoyuan Reformatory.

On March 14, 2002, almost twenty Formosan fellow initiates received a rousing welcome from teachers and students upon arriving at the Taoyuan Reformatory to hold a soul-elevating video seminar and share Master's teachings.

The activity began with the initiates encouraging the young residents to cherish the present and create a bright future, assuring them that "difficult situations help lay the foundation stone of success" and "only through mistakes can we learn to progress." Fellow initiates spoke from their hearts, and the students happily accepted their ideas. Then a sister initiate led everyone in joyful singing, which filled the venue with a warm and blissful atmosphere. Later, the young people attentively watched Master's video Walk the Way of Love, while opening their hearts to Master's words of wisdom and a narrative on Her compassionate deeds. Finally, a Quan Yin messenger taught the youth the Convenient Method of meditation, affirming God's message that a bright future awaited them. We sincerely hope that these inheritors of Formosa's future will sincerely walk the path of spiritual practice and ultimate liberation!

Love in Action
Colombo, Sri Lanka