For most Christians in the world, Easter commemorates
the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and is a time for celebrating new
life through the arrival of spring. This year, fellow practitioners
from the Ohio Center decided to bring Master's blessings to the homeless
for Easter. It was a decision made from an inspiration received just
one day before Easter, and thus had to be acted on quickly. So after
group meditation on Saturday, we all gathered together, and through
Master's merciful arrangement, obtained all the supplies we needed.
With Master's blessing, everything went so smoothly
that it seemed almost effortless, as cases of fruit were purchased
and packaged for distribution, and food was efficiently prepared.
Within our limited timeframe, we also learned to be flexible. Instead
of making traditional spring rolls, which would have taken too long
to prepare, we decided instead to serve an American meal of vegetarian
Sloppy Joes (veggie hamburger barbecue sandwiches). Within hours,
we prepared about 200 fruit baskets and 300 sandwiches, along with
green salad, chips, and soft drinks.
On Easter Sunday, we arrived at the homeless shelter
with a large photo of Master, our fruit baskets, and the food we planned
to serve. During the short time we were among the shelter residents,
we had a chance to introduce Master to over 200 people. Many looked
intently at Her picture and then asked who She was. Many also asked
for a copy of the sample booklet and eagerly read the booklet on the
spot. The food seemed to vanish as quickly as we could serve it, with
people commenting that it was so delicious that they could not believe
it was vegetarian.
Everyone we served showed us sincere appreciation
and love, often with a dignity of spirit that was very inspiring.
One disciple was particularly touched when she heard that one of the
homeless persons had turned down the offer of an "extra"
fruit basket for herself. This person said that she didn't want it
because she would be taking it away from someone else who might not
have enough. Seeing such natural compassion from someone who herself
had experienced much suffering and hardship brought tears to the disciple's
eyes . What a shining example of the sainthood we all strive for!
All of the Ohio practitioners were happy to have
had the chance to bring Master's love to the homeless during the 2002
Easter holiday. Through this activity, we learned that Master's inner
guidance gives us everything we need, from beginning to end. It was
a meaningful Easter Sunday for everyone involved.