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Once upon a time,
A true peace lover wandered around the many worlds
In search of eternal happiness.
She walked over the face of the Earth, the suns,
The moons and the clouds.
At last she found,
That it was all the while hidden in her very heart.
Then she sat down,
And was about to enjoy the new found Bliss,
But suddenly she looked down
And saw countless beings were still groveling in darkness,
For they were searching for happiness without.
Just like her before, erring over millions of ages.
Her tears were then rolling down...
One drop, two drops...and many more...
Each drop became a shining jewel,
And soon the firmament was studded with glittering tears,
Which are the stars today;
They are too shy in the day,
And too restless in the night to go to sleep.
For all peace seekers,
The stars are there to light the Way,
And to remind them of the Compassion of a holy Sage.
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Pasadena Boys Choir
Lyrics by Supreme Master Ching Hai
Music and orchestration by Fred Karlin
Conducted by Peter Boyer
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Jerome Smith
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