Wisley Gardens National Apple
By Surrey News Group (Originally in English)
In October, Golden Year 3 (2006), we participated in a four day Horticultural show. The morning we arrived to set up the skies were dark and the rain poured down until the large SMTV banner went up on the back wall of our stand. Within ten minutes the skies were blue and the sun was shining, leaving no doubt in our minds of Master’s loving presence. The stall was decorated with animal pictures from the Alternative Living flyers, and colourful nutritional information. On one table there was a range of informative flyers for the public to take, and of course our association SMTV flyer which was handed to most visitors to our stand. Our stall was continuously crowded
with people. Interest shown by the young and old was encouraging.
After sampling the vegetarian food provided, many people were very
surprised how tasty it was, and on learning about the benefits of
this compassionate way of life, many of their fears about the vegetarian
diet were gone. We were delighted with the positive response and grateful
for Master’s boundless blessings to everyone.