Seeds of Wisdom
By UK News Group (Originally in English)
Initiates from surrounding Centers worked relentlessly in collaboration with UK based humanitarian groups such as Viva (Vegetarian International Voice for Animals) and the Vegetarian Society over the past year to promote vegetarianism and to raise awareness to the plight of farm animals, as well as to spread Master’s teachings. We started with The Yoga Show at Olympia in London on September 15-17. This 3 day event was a tremendous success. Over 4000 leaflets on Alternative Living, SMTV promotion and Quan Yin meditation were handed out at the entrance along with a free Alternative Living bag.
We covered the walls of our stand with large banners of SMTV and Master’s picture. Displays of vegetarian promotional literature and spiritual books took up most of the space on the tables. We also showed a pre-recording of SMTV. Initiates dressed in animal costumes brought a lot of excitement to our booth. They handed out vegetarian recipes and balloons. Other freebies included pens, mouse pads and Alternative Living bags. Next we participated in a series of Mind, Body and Soul Exhibitions throughout the UK: September 23-24 in Colchester, October 7-8 in Brighton, October 21-22 in Cambridge and November 11-12 at Olympia in London. The organizers of these events, being a vegetarian family themselves, have been very generous to our group by offering us a free booth at every of their exhibitions in exchange for our help in handing out ‘goody’ bags at the entrance. These bags contained literature from exhibitors which included our own Alternative Living leaflets, SMTV promotional literature and Quan Yin meditation flyers. People who attended were genuinely interested in our messages particularly the spiritual one. We played a DVD of Master’s lecture to attract the crowd and many left with information about our local Centers. We also received a variety of positive responses from the crowd. In Brighton, a little boy around 6 years old stopped right in front of the TV and for a while he was absolutely transfixed to the screen as if totally immersed in Gods love. Many people came and told us they had either heard of Master or attended Master’s lecture before and were very pleased to meet Her again. Since the very first day, a girl from next stall had been often staring at Master’s lecture to the extent that sometimes she forgot to take care of her own customers. When the exhibition ended, we gave the girl a copy of Master’s sample booklet and the DVD that had been playing as a gift. For us to see the satisfied smile on her face was truly the best gift from God.
In Cambridge we noticed that benefit was brought to the public in many different ways. In sharing the message of vegetarianism as an alternative way of living, there was a gentleman who told us that they were attracted to the alternative living idea by our T-shirts. On several occasions where family visitors came to our stand, children seem to recognize the more noble way of alternative living straight away and were more excited than their parents in showing their response to the recommended vegetarian diet. There was a brother who was surprised to see the amount of protein found in gluten which can substitute the meat protein, while many female visitors were eager to receive the free vegetarian recipes. Of the many who watched Master’s DVD lecture most were excited after being told that they could receive more information about Master from SMTV or from the website and that they could also take home a free sample booklet on immediate enlightenment. There were many inquiries about learning Quan Yin Method of meditation. One lady who works for a company that participated in the event was impressed by our group and seemed to recognize Master’s teaching as what she has been looking for. She has been vegetarian for more than three months and showed interest in the initiation. In London, people who visited our stall were impressed with our displays and many enquired about the vegetarian diet as there was a lot of literature from Viva and the Vegetarian Society. Vegetarian recipes were a hot item as people were attracted to the colourful design. All brothers and sisters felt so
much love and blessings from Master and were all grateful to have
been able to serve through such activities, to promote the vegetarianism
and spread Her teachings.