Story World
of Alternative Living
By Costa Rican News Group (Originally in Spanish) From May to August of Golden Year 3 (2006), several initiates from Costa Rica went to Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua, where we distributed a total of 270,000 Alternative Living flyers. We also met a lady who was very happy with our message, because she knew that eating meat was not good for her and her family. She said God is all love and compassion and does not want us to treat animals in this way. She knew that there had to be a better way to feed ourselves without eating meat, so the Alternative Living flyer was an answer to her prayers. During our visit to Matagalpa, Nicaragua, we met people who, after reading the flyer, came back for more information. One of them was a man who initially told us he thought that animals’ purpose in this world was to be served as our food. After almost one hour of conversation, he recognized that he never had looked in depth at his point of view, and he said that from that moment on he would get more information on the subject of vegetarianism and its benefits, and he was thankful to us for bringing this important message to his town. On the following day when we went to distribute flyers to another university in the capital, near the exit gate a completely disoriented horse running toward the street suddenly appeared. Some people tried to catch him by the rope on his neck, but the horse was very wild because he was scared and would not allow anyone to approach him. In spite of her fear that he could hurt her, the sister approached him little by little and to her surprise the horse let her take him and even allow her to touch him. The sister brought him back to the university, but was informed that he did not belong to the place. In this situation she did not know what to do, so she asked God’s inspiration to find out a solution. Soon she found someone who agreed to take care of the horse while waiting his true owner to appear.