Story World
Power Awakens
By Busan News Group (Originally in Korean)
Since her initiation in 1993, Sister Kim led a quiet and faithful life of spiritual practice. Because of her family circumstances, she could hardly attend group meditations. One day when she visited the Yong Dong Center, she mentioned to her friend Sister Cho that four days later it would be her turn to have a presentation at a monthly faculty workshop. The topic of this self-development program, assigned by the head teacher, was “About Vegetarianism.” Upon hearing this idea, the teachers expressed their anticipation. Even the principal expressed to Sister Kim his excitement about the vegetarian presentation. However, it was difficult for Sister Cho to prepare food for 56 people all alone. She prayed inwardly to Master. The night before, several sisters suddenly volunteered to help her cook. One the day of presentation, while Sister Kim was working at the school, the team was busy cooking at the Center. Twelve other sisters who happened to be on a break from their performance practice soon assisted the group. When the cuisine was finally prepared and all that was left was to drive it to the school, a brother suddenly arrived at the Center with his car most suitable for this task. Delighted, the sisters loaded the car with their wonderful dishes and transported them to the Keum Kok Middle School. During the presentation, the teachers browsed through the CD made by initiates on Alternative Living. They later expressed their amazement at how organized and user-friendly our websites are, sites such as “Love Life, Go Vegetarian” and “Alternative Living.” They provide comprehensive materials including recipes, so that anyone can easily try vegetarianism. The teachers requested the educational CD to share the information with their students. Sister Cho promised to bring everyone the CD entitled “Now, Vegetarianism is the Alternative.” When the teachers tasted the vegetarian food, they were stunned. Unable to stop their compliments, they all kept going back to the table for refills and eagerly packed the leftovers to share with their families. Many of the teachers, concerned about avian flu and mad cow’s disease, earnestly asked about cooking methods so that they could prepare tasty vegetarian meals for their families. No one could have guessed that the workshop would turn out to be such a pleasurable event! After the seminar, the principal asked if there would be future events publicizing vegetarianism, to which the initiates proposed the same presentation for the students’ parents. At the principal’s insistence they further decided that the students would watch a two-hour documentary on the ethical and environmental problems of meat production and the wonderful benefits that vegetarianism provides for both humans and the environment. Some teachers, who had believed that vegetarianism did not provide complete nutrition, fully changed their minds and decided to teach alternative living to their students. Not only that, but the principal asked the initiates to do similar catering for future events with his colleagues. As for Sister Kim who was originally introverted and reserved, she regained her self-confidence, after observing Master’s incredible blessing power at work. She called her experience an “amazing story.” Many other teacher initiates at the Center
heard the news, made plans to hold similar events at their schools and
approached Sister Kim for pointers. Sister Kim eagerly shared with them
what she knew, and promised herself to actively take any new opportunities
to do Master’s work.