Selected Questions and Answers

Go to Sleep in a Meditative Mood

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
Videoconference with initiates from the Boston Center, MA, USA,
September 28, 2002 (Originally in English)

Q: My question is: Is it possible to continue meditating while we’re asleep?

M: Yes, of course, it’s possible. Most of the time we meditate while we’re asleep because in the daytime how much time do you give me? None! (Audience laughs.) An hour and then you sleep through three quarters of it. So that’s why I’ve told you to meditate before you go to sleep. Then you go to bed and meditate a little more and you slowly go to sleep in that meditative mood and all night is meditation. That’s the time when you have the most. (Audience laughs) Yes, you go to the highest places.

You go to higher places and do the most amazing things during your sleep time, when you don’t have any interference from the mind. You’re just all at peace and Master can take you anywhere and teach you anything. That’s why you progress so quickly even though you meditate so lousily at any time! I don’t mean that. You do well. But we meditate very little compared to the progress that we make because during sleep Master takes us around and teaches us many things.

Free Will is Best Exercised during Contemplation

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
Videoconference with initiates from the San Jose Center,
Costa Rica, September 28, 2002 (Originally in English)

Q: Everything in this life is karma. When does free will take place?
M: Free will takes place during contemplation. That’s the best time to exercise your free will. Every other time causes you more trouble, more karma.


Being a Good Listener Can be of Great Assistance to Others

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
videoconference with disciples in Helsinki, Finland,
February 16, 2003 (Originally in English)

Q: How can we help other people such as those who aren’t our relatives? And how can we help them when they’re in emotional pain?

M: You can just talk to them or listen to them about their pain. Listen; be a good listener first. Just being a good listener is sometimes already a great help because most people who are in emotional distress just want to share their feelings. They want someone to know how much pain they’re experiencing at that moment so by listening you already give them a lot of comfort.

And if they ask you for advice try to the best of your knowledge to help them. Or help them in another way, like perhaps straightening out some physical details for them or doing an errand that they request at that moment. Do as much as you can within the limits of the Precepts, of course.