On the afternoon of December 29, 2003, in celebration
of the 2004 New Year holiday and as a way to share our dear Master¡¦s
Love for humanity, Panama Center initiates distributed blankets, fruit
and food bags containing over twenty items to the poorest inhabitants
of Rancho Cafe in Cerro Azul (Blue Mountain), a community forty-five
minutes from Panama City.
Immediately after conducting a Mass, the local Catholic
priest helped in the effort by arranging a gathering of the needy
where the items were delivered. The food was given to six of the poorest
families, who were very touched because they thus acquired provisions
for their New Year¡¦s dinner. One of our sisters handed
out blankets to the children and elderly women, who were especially
sensitive to the cold weather. Another sister then gave the recipients
copies of Master¡¦s sample booklet, informing them that
Supreme Master Ching Hai sent Her divine love along with the presents.
All the villagers were extremely happy and amazed by the Supreme Master¡¦s
care and concern.
Through their New Year holiday gift-giving activity
in Rancho Cafe, Panama Center initiates learned many valuable lessons.
First, they came to realize the need to overcome the ego and put unconditional
love first, as shown by Master¡¦s example, since She
always places the well-being of Her children before Her own. The initiates
also learned that by rising above our own good intentions to help
others we can transmit the deepest, purest form of love.
Thank You, Master, for bestowing on Your disciples
in Panama this wonderful chance to put Your teachings into practice.