cold, wet weather, a continuous flow of people, attracted by the
large variety of beautifully displayed vegetarian foods prepared
by local initiates, experiences Master's warmth and hospitality
at the Cambridge Charles Riverside Festival. |
[Boston] For
many inhabitants of the Greater Boston area, June 15 2002 was full
of rich spiritual meaning. For on that day, Boston initiates participated
in the annual Cambridge Charles Riverside Festival, taking advantage
of the event to promote vegetarianism and share information about
spiritual practice with the local community. Over the past few years,
fellow practitioners from Boston have participated in the Festival,
and this year was no different, as several sister initiates braved
windy, rainy conditions to eagerly distribute Master's publications,
vegetarian food and fliers about a video seminar to be held the same
day. Many people were touched by the presence of Master's infinite
love, and responded with sincerity and affirmation.
Then, after the Festival ended, fellow
practitioners immediately rushed to the Harvard-Yenching Library at
Harvard University, the venue for one of Master's 1991 lectures. There,
they prepared for the above-mentioned video seminar, the first such
Truth-sharing activity to be conducted solely by Boston area fellow
practitioners in a decade. To ensure its success, some initiates held
special group meditation and prayer sessions each morning and evening
for a week prior to the event.
Although the seminar was conceived and
prepared in only a week's time, it proceeded smoothly and successfully
in a warm, relaxed atmosphere marked by abundant laughter. In addition,
all the seminar's audience members enrolled to learn the Convenient
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keep pace with the planet's ongoing spiritual elevation, the
local centers of
the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association are
more and more video seminars and other Truth-sharing activities