Mother's Day Special Report


Then Master began talking about inviting a group of disciples to Her house for lunch. Of course, at that moment everyone became extremely excited and cheered! She reassured us that all the retreat participants would get their chance to see Her. She first invited the "snowflakes" (Caucasians) and "chocolate chips" (Black initiates) for lunch, and then "the cornflakes" (Asians) from various countries, in separate groups, for dinner and tea in the evening and at night.

During the lunch with Master at Her house, tears welled up in the eyes of many who felt deep love and appreciation for the infinite generosity of our beloved Teacher and Friend. The talk between Master and disciples was informal and very spontaneous. One disciple who has been with Master for some time said that she still fears falling off the path. Master reassured her by saying that this fear is good; it only intensifies our determination to search for the Truth. It also gives us a healthy concern about Maya, since one can never be sure what form Maya may take.

During this exchange between Master and disciple, what was most amazing was the complete transformation of one of the disciples' expressions during the conversation. At the beginning, she was very depressed. Her eyes were downcast and her face seemed to take on a darker color. But by the end of the conversation with Master, her face was infused with joy. She was smiling and laughing as she looked directly at her beloved Mother. Not only was the sister herself blessed, but so was everyone who watched this miracle of healing from the living Buddha!

On Sunday, May 12, Mother's Day dawned clear and cool, as initiates meditated contentedly and later enjoyed a leisurely breakfast in the gentle Florida breeze. Then, in the afternoon, everyone dressed up in fancy attire and traditional costumes for the days' performance, and waited earnestly for Master's arrival. After a while, She entered the Meditation Hall from a rear door, preceded by four lovely young sisters who served as flower girls. As the audience members turned to look at Master, they quickly noted that Her beautiful chiffon gown with its peach-colored wrap precisely matched the dresses worn by the flower girls! The effect of this color-coordinated procession was breathtaking, and the audience broke into thunderous applause.

The MC then gave a dedication to Mother's Day and Master's Birthday, and the performances began. Master gave encouraging smiles to many of the first-time solo performers. After one sister's dance, Master not only gave her blessed candy but also plucked a fresh rose from a nearby bouquet and placed it in the disciple's hair. Master also enjoyed the spirited dance performance "Son of Man" by a group of young children who promised Master in their song that they would be strong and use their knowledge to become wise.

The performances concluded with Master graciously agreeing to come to the stage and cut a beautiful multi-tiered birthday cake that had been prepared by the kitchen staff. In closing, Master stood and gave a poetic speech that resonated so strongly in many people's hearts that She could hardly continue amidst the applause. Here is part of what Master said:

If I am wise,
It's because of your intelligent questions.
If I am confident
It's because you give me so much support.
Most important of all
If I am younger every year
It's because you want me to live forever!

These beautiful words brought tears to our eyes and softened our souls, as many of us resolved that we would try to be more worthy of Her love.

After Master left the Meditation Hall, everyone went to the food area to enjoy the abundant cake and other refreshments provided by the cooking team. Master came to see us again that evening, inviting the newly initiated people to come to the front and sit beside Her. She also saw the Chinese disciples. Although many people departed that night, some stayed on to relax and enjoy Master's presence over the next few days.

Because of Master's absolute and unfailing love and generosity, our time with Her seemed much longer than just a few days. During the retreat, Master came to see us many times each day, morning until night. We experienced so much love and care from Her the whole time that we were able to completely forget this mundane world. And, although many of us had to return to the ephemeral concerns of daily life, the time we spent with Master will remain as timeless and precious as Heaven in our hearts.