Arizona, U.S.A.

Venerable Master,

There exist no words in human language to adequately express our immense gratitude to You, and we can never thank You enough for enriching us with the gift of self-realization. Our lives would be barren without Love and Light!

Wishing you the Most Wonderful Mother's Day!

Virginia, U.S.A.

Dearest Beloved Master,

Thank You for showing us the true meaning of unconditional love. Thank You for giving real meaning to our lives. Thank You for all the blessings that You have given us and our earthly families. Because of You, we now know what compassion really means.

San Jose, California, U.S.A.

Dearest Master,

Happy Birthday!
You will always be the angel by our side,
In every joyful or unhappy moment,
Loving, comforting, and encouraging us all the time,
Bestowing kindnesses endlessly on us and all of humankind.
Your understanding eyes and loving smile uplift us,
Reminding us to keep believing in brighter days.
Your wishes and dreams, like those of a mother for her child,
To take us with You someday to the most beautiful place of all,
Give us hope that is as constant and certain as the Sun,
Filling us with strength and serenity and everlasting love for You,
Our Guiding Angel.

Hawaii, U.S.A.

Dearest Most Beloved Master Ching Hai,

May 12 is the special, divine day when we were graced with the birth and first presence of Supreme Master Ching Hai on Earth. Blessed are we to have a Supreme Master to disclose the powerful, simple Truth which we can never hear enough of. Blessed are we to have a Living Master. Blessed are we for Your continuous sacrifice and love for us. Our hearts soften with Thy love. Our eyes tear with joy as we feel the Oneness. Our words can never fully express our gratitude and love for Thee. On this special day, we joyously celebrate Your HAPPY BIRTHDAY with You, heart to heart.

Happy Birthday Master Ching Hai,
We love, love and love You....

Fresno, California, U.S.A.

Revered Master,

Your love has touched our spirits and souls, blessing us eternally. Words cannot express how grateful we are for all that You have done. Mother of infinite love, You have given us Heaven and all its glory. And we are forever thankful.

Happy Birthday and Mother's Day!

Montreal, Canada

Happy Birthday to our beloved Master!

Since Your coming on Earth, You have shed infinite Light and Love on humans' hearts, elevating the world's consciousness to a higher spiritual realm. Each year, we happily celebrate May 12, which arrives during the same period of celebration as Mother's Day and Buddha's Birthday. And this is surely no coincidence! You are for us a true Mother, bringing our souls back to Light. You are the living Guide of the world, guiding humankind out of the sphere of ignorance.

Our dearest, beloved and unique Master, may this joyful occasion bring You bliss, inner peace, happiness, joy in life, and an excellent physical condition.

With all our hearts, God bless You.

London, Canada

To Our Dearest Master,

May today and forever be filled with joy and happiness,
On this most wonderful moment that we all share.

Cherishing being with You every day,
Hoping You will stay forever on the Earth.
Infinite Love shines on this glorious Land,
The grace of God bestowed on all.

Happy Birthday and Mother's day!
All Your happy children in London wish You
Good health, beauty and youth forever!


Dearest Master,

On this day that belongs to You, we send our deepest gratitude to God, because Hes has bestowed on us a living Master. Now as we celebrate Your birthday, we can feel Your boundless love, because You are always with us! Thank You so much for imparting to us the Quan Yin Method, and filling our lives with divine love and bliss.

With eternal love for you.


Beloved Master,

You're our Mother of the Universe...
Thanks for taking care of us. We love You very much!!

Your Brazilian children wish You a happy birthday and a happy Mother's Day!


Beloved Supreme Master,

We wish You a very happy, happy Birthday and a wonderful Mother's Day.
Because You are a treasure to the Universe, and because You have given us the most infinite and wonderful gift instead of receiving - the inner Light and Sound.
We want to send You on this special day our deepest, sincerest Love and wishes for Health, Love and Wellbeing!


Dear Master,

You came into our lives like the Northern Lights
After a long period of darkness of the soul.
The day breaks continuously without nights,
Beaming Your divine rays, easing our dole.
This is the time when God graces the Earth
With a brightly shining halo,
And grants us Hiers beautiful Daughter
To return with us on a rainbow.

With all our hearts we love You!
Happy, happy birthday Dear Master!


Happy Birthday, Dear Master!

Thank You for all that You are and for all that You do.
Accept our sincerest love and best wishes for Your birthday.
May God bless and protect You for many more years, so that we can still admire and follow Your shining example.


Dear Master,

Happy Birthday to you!

We always miss You and keep Your teachings in our minds, as each of us becomes one who adds Truth, Goodness, and Beauty to the world.
All centers and initiates in Korea appreciate very much the concern and blessings You bestow on us, and wish You happiness and peace.
Thank You for Your unconditional love.

All of the Centers in Korea


Dearest Mommy Master!

Happy birthday!
We love You and miss You very much!
We will be Your good children;
We will practice seriously,
And act in the way of the superior beings in the universe
To repay Your divine love!
We sincerely wish You
To be forever young and beautiful,
And forever the most dazzling Master in the universe!

Your children who love You best,
All fellow practitioners in Formosa