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Next, let me discuss the simple and nutritious vegetarian food I prepare for my seven pets. During the first three months, they ate exactly what I ate. However, one inconvenient thing was that, while I was away and I entrusted them to my neighbor's care, they were fed dog food (which may not vegetarian). Therefore, each time I returned from visiting my relatives in Formosa (which never exceeded two weeks), my dog grandchildren always showed a recurrence of their skin disease, and it would take them about a month to recover. To solve this problem, I conducted careful research to find appropriate food for them that did not require cooking, and after a period of experimentation and observation, I obtained satisfactory results. Now the dogs are healthier; my experiment has saved me much trouble and has freed me of worry when I go on trips.

Suggested ingredients to feed a dog for one day:

1 cup quick cooking oats
1/4 cup 100% soy flour
1 tablespoon soy lecithin
1 tablespoon wheat germ
1/4 to 1/2 cup green vegetables, carrots, seaweed (Dogs prefer blanched vegetables and seaweed, but keep a small portion aside and shred it for them to eat raw.)

Mix the above ingredients, and immerse in a suitable amount of water for about 30 minutes; then the food is ready to be served.


1. When soy flour is cooked with water, it becomes soymilk. It is very fragrant and the dogs love it. So I let them eat raw soy flour only when I am away.

2. If possible, it is very nutritious to feed dogs assorted legumes. I often feed them cooked pinto beans, lentils, black eyed peas and peanuts. When legumes are cooked until soft, they are suitable for dogs to digest and absorb.

3. In principle, you should feed your dogs a purely vegetarian diet, but the diet must consist of sufficient starch, protein, oil and vitamins. Canines' nutrition requirements are similar to those of humans. However, do not give them milk, cheese, eggs, fish, meat or heated oil.



Some time after I submitted this article, I had two experiences that really thrilled me. A dog suffering from skin disease had had an ear disease since childhood. The ear smelled terrible, and the dog became very fierce because of the pain. It would not even let veterinarians treat it, although it had suffered from this disease for many years. We tried everything we could to help it, but nothing worked. Finally, to our amazement, after eating only vegetarian meals for six months, the dog's ear disease was healed. However, when the animal once secretly ate meat, its ear disease recurred, and took quite a while to heal again.

Regarding my old dog that had many tumors on its skin, after taking up a vegetarian diet for eight months, the large tumors became small, and the small and medium-sized tumors burst. Once the blood and pus had been excreted, the tumors vanished.

The above are some supplementary facts for your reference.

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