all the attendees asked to learn the Convenient Method, and some planned
to switch to a vegetarian diet and arrange time for daily meditation.
In the event's warm, cordial atmosphere, many guests raised questions
about spiritual practice. We are grateful for Master's grace in making
this activity a very successful one!
On March 19, the second seminar was held at National
Taiwan Normal University. Professor Lu's clear and lively talk again
received an enthusiastic response from audience members.
Professor Lu showed some slides demonstrating Dr. Masaru
Emoto's research findings on the crystalline structures of ice in Japan
and other regions of the world. He showed that positive words and phrases
(e.g., 'thank you' and 'gratefulness'), melodious and blissful music,
the prayers of religious masters, and the names or photos of saints
are capable of creating beautiful ice crystals. On the contrary, negative
words, heavy metal music, and the names and photos of people who express
negative actions or thoughts destroy or distort these beautiful symmetrical
ice crystals, or generate an opaque, formless state.
Water samples collected from Kobe just after the city's
massive 1995 earthquake failed to condense into symmetrical crystal
form; even the water could feel the fear and helplessness in the hearts
of the victims. Three months later, however, after the world had shown
the victims its love and concern, the ice crystals again became very
beautiful, as if they had regained confidence.
Professor Lu further explained that pure water molecules
usually do not exist in an isolated state. They are mutually attached
through hydrogen bonds to form micro-clusters with other molecules.
The purer the water, the greater is the likelihood of micro-cluster
formations. The water molecules in these micro-clusters spin at very
high speeds, and can penetrate deep into various parts of the body and
be absorbed by its cells. This kind of water can be used in biological
studies, medical science, and agriculture. Therefore, it is also called
"functional water," or the "good water" spoken of
above. It can convey messages and penetrate deep into our organs to
nourish the entire body.
Professor Lu's talk received an earnest response from
the guests, several of whom shared their own experiences with love and
"good water." For example, one lady talked about a withering
kudzu vine that she had found in her new house. She felt very sorry
for the plant and when she watered it every day, she would speak to
it, saying, "I love you very much. I now give you very good water
and hope that you will survive." In the end, the kudzu vine survived.
Master has always taught us to be positive in our actions,
speech, and thoughts, and to generate a loving energy field to benefit
sentient beings, the country, and even the whole universe. Through studies
conducted by Dr. Masaru Emoto, the power of thought has been demonstrated
scientifically. We are grateful to Professor Lu for sharing Dr. Masaru
Emoto's research with us.
Note: Please refer to No. 131 of the News magazine for
a report on the research of Dr. Masaru Emoto.![](images/end.gif)
For online viewing of the above activities as
covered in series No. 48 of
the A Journey through Aesthetic Realms television program,
please visit