While on the Path

By brother initiate Li, Mainland China (Originally in English)

According to the ideals of Confucianism, the pursuit of spiritual practice is meant to first perfect the individual, then one's family, one's country and finally the world. Buddhism also emphasizes benefiting and enlightening other living creatures. Family members are beings who have developed strong affinities among each other in previous lives. Thus, the family is a natural medium through which to expand one's spiritual practice.

The love created among family members who have spiritual understanding and the goal of enlightenment is not bondage. Instead, this kind of love can help one to break one's narrow mentality of selfishness. I always think that the family is a door through which to expand one's love beyond oneself, and work is a door to expand one's wisdom beyond one's comfort zone. Love and wisdom are the main targets of spiritual practice.

I am very lucky in this regard, for my wife is extremely intelligent and successful in her studies and career, and is also a very devoted companion. I have learned the meaning of unconditional love from her, and she has helped me to break through my shell of selfishness.

She was an atheist when we first dated each other about 12 years ago, when we were in college and I was practicing bhakti yoga (devotional yoga involving chanting and prayer). A few years later I began to follow Supreme Master Ching Hai and practice the Quan Yin Method. During these years, I tried to spiritualize my life without undue formality, so as not to appear weird in my wife's eyes. It took my wife seven years to become a vegetarian and practitioner. Eventually, she was initiated in 1997.

Since we have become fellow initiates, nothing dramatic has happened between us. We love each other in the same way as before and still quarrel with each other from time to time. But more wisdom has silently spread into our relationship, and occasionally, inspiring discussions related to Master, life, dreams, etc. occur between us. Nowadays, family love has become an inspiration for us both in seeking enlightenment.

At this point in my life, I have come to realize that, if I really care for my wife, I have to seek more wisdom and love. If I fail to gain wisdom, I may lead her astray, to a desolate life. If I fail to gain love, I may hurt her because of my imperfect personality. So my experience with my family is very positive with respect to my spiritual practice, and vice versa.

To conclude, Confucius said that a gentleman is different than others but is harmonious with them, while a mean person is the same as others but is in conflict with them. One should harmonize with others whether or not they pursue spiritual practice or vegetarianism. Do not force others to accept Master at once, and treat them with love and wisdom, then patiently wait until their time is due; that is the best way to guide them toward accepting Master and attaining eternal liberation.



While on the Path

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