Love in Action

Report from Tainan, Formosa

As the New Year approached, fellow practitioners from the Tainan Center held love-sharing activities at three local prisons to extend their warm concern to inmates during the cold winter season.

The first activity, a soul-elevating seminar and cultural entertainment program, was held on December 19 at the Tainan Detention Center. A warm and touching atmosphere pervaded the venue that day, and although our fellow practitioners were not professional performers or speakers, their splendid performance deeply impressed the inmates. All of our efforts bore fruit through Master's blessings and the sincerity of Tainan fellow practitioners. After the conclusion of the activity, the prison warden expressed his gratitude and acclaim for our group, and especially showed his deep respect for Master's perfect teachings reflected through us.

On December 26, we went to the Mingte Outdoor Prison to conduct another spiritually uplifting seminar, with the topic "How to Plan Your Life." This event was especially beneficial to those inmates who were going to be released very soon.

On December 27, we visited another facility, the Tainan Prison, and provided its inmates with routine monthly counseling services. Since we firmly believe that the best gift for the prison residents is God's gospel, on each visit, we arrange for a session of Convenient Method transmission, so that these brothers and sisters trapped behind bars can spend a short time daily in elevating their souls.


Love in Action

* Sharing Master's Compassion with the Homeless
* Nursing Home Residents Touched by Divine Love
* Master's Love Warms the Homeless in Winter
* Providing Tender Holiday Care for the Poor
* A Joyous Christmas
with Inmates
* Heartwarming Year-end

E130 Files

News No. 130