The Ching
Hai Day
Special Report
Peace Award --
Cheer of Whole Universe
"Day Of The Supreme Master Chilng Hai" celebration party, organized
by the City of Honolulu and the World Cultural Communication Association.
The award
presentation ceremony was held at the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel in Honolulu
on October 25th evening. More than a thousand guests came to this spectacular
event. Fellow disciples from all over the world entertained the guests
with thrilling performances rich in national features. Therefore, this
grand event was also a cultural and religious feast. The invitation
and ceremony were jointly convened by the World Cultural Communication
Association. With the City of Honolulu, they have molded a bronze statue
of the Supreme Master Ching hai, which will be erected in Honolulu to
be revered by people.
by Mayor Fasi of Honolulu, Master goes on the platform to accept
fervent cheers from the crowd.
Fasi presents a statue of the Supreme Master Ching Hai, which will
be displayed permanently in a public place in the City of Honolulu
for all to admire.
In the speech
of Mayor Fasi of Honolulu during the ceremony, he praised the Supreme
Master Ching Hai and Her absolutely selfless objective in saving and
benefiting all sentient beings. Spreading seeds for the world's peace
everywhere, She would inevitably become a mainstay of international
society. Mayor Fasi expressed that the Supreme Master Ching Hai is a
real saint. Should people of the world be all like Her, there would
definitely be peace on earth, and no more wars and calamities.
audience listen attentively to Master's speech.
Supreme Master Ching Hai presented Her speech in fluent English. She
expressed Her wish to help people who are most in need. She said,
although the amount of Her donation was insignificant, it carried
the care from people of other nations to the people of the United
States. She also asked everyone to strive together for the well-being
of the whole humankind, and pray for blessing to the world's peace.
dancers of Hawaii perform the "Lion's Dance", maneuvering through
the guests. |
Many of
Her disciples had formed groups and came to Honolulu just to be present
at the commendation ceremony of the Supreme Master Ching Hai. The ceremony
on 25th October included a dinner and unique performance programs. A
lion dance team of Honolulu inaugurated the event with a group dance
of three gigantic lions, Deafening drums and gongs immediately brought
a warm atmosphere to the venue. The exquisite and delicious vegetarian
dishes of the dinner also deeply impressed the guests.