An Adventure of Sustainable
By Australia News Group (Originally in English)
For thirteen days, from April 5-18, Golden Year 4 (2007), Australian marine biologist Lloyd Godson lived in the world’s first self-sufficient, self-sustaining underwater habitat using a plant-based life support system. The BioSUB Project consisted of a capsule the size of a small shipping container. He breathed air from algae that gave off oxygen through a gas-exchange Biocoil, watered with recycled urine. The Biocoil was a coiled, water-filled plastic tube containing millions of single-celled algae called Chlorella. The algae gave off oxygen from the carbon dioxide Lloyd breathed out in a process called photosynthesis. This was the first time that a human breathed solely from oxygen given off by plants. Artificial light was used as a catalyst for this process, powered from renewable energy. He also grew some of his food using the same light source. Lloyd rode a bicycle to generate some electricity to circulate the algae, recharge his laptop and for exercise, while other electricity was provided by solar cells outside of the unit. For 13 days he was living a sustainable life, in an alien environment.
Lloyd said “Part of what I am doing is education, part is applying science and using new technologies, part is looking at how someone survives an alien environment and isolation psychologically, and the last part is just pure adventure.” The project aims to encourage people to think more about sustainability, demonstrate scientific principles related to sustainability and reveal something about how humans might live in alien environments. Although NASA and other space agencies have incredible technology to live in such environments, this project’s success lies in its simplicity and low cost. It’s a process which can be duplicated by ordinary people interested in self sufficiency and renewable green living. The humble algae are at the core of its success, as it is with super foods such as spirulina and even useful to clean up water ways. Due to the elevation of human consciousness
and gradual technological advancements, we believe that we will be able
to explore more freely the magnificence of other worlds, be-it underground,
underwater or outer-space; to discover the hidden beauty of God’s
creation. Such practical adventures also prove that we are able to sustain
life using green energy and plant based support systems. Furthermore Lloyd
Godson’s BioSUB Project is not only an inspiration to the green
energy movement but is an encouraging testament to what one person can
accomplish by carrying out his/her dream no matter what. As it says in
the Biosong, “Give it a go, Live your Dream.” (