By a fellow initiate in China (Originally in Chinese)
On December 28, Golden Year 3 (2006), China’s Supreme Court announced its decision to take back death penalty review rights from the local higher and military courts. On January 1, 2007, this power was formally reinstated to the Supreme Court more than 20 years after it had been delegated to the higher courts. This move by the PRC government, toward building a society governed by law, demonstrates a strong determination to honor its pledge to cherish life and protect human rights. More than 60 different offenses can incur capital punishment in China, making it the country with the highest number of death sentences and executions. For years, the judicial process has suffered from the intervention of administrative orders or personal opinions of political leaders. Moreover, the previous structure, which had transferred review rights to the lower courts, opened up possibilities of ruling by personal decisions and resulted in such legal abuses as the arbitrary use of the death penalty by local courts as well as the use of diverse criteria in capital punishment sentencing. The recent reinstatement of the death penalty review rights to the Supreme Court is highly significant in that it signals progress from “ruling by personal decisions” to “ruling by law.” It is hoped this move will reduce the number of death sentences
and executions in China. However, addressing the issue from its root,
abolishing the death penalty requires more than the persistent effort
of the government. It also needs the support and understanding from
the changing concepts of an entire population, moving away from the
past revengeful concept of “a life for a life” that had
become deep-seated in people’s minds over thousands of years.
The occurrence of crimes committed by those who were once innocent
children is partly society’s responsibility. Offenders should
therefore receive not only punishment, but should also be treated
as patients. Only then will the society and country truly benefit
by guaranteeing the rights of every citizen and further creating a
harmonious society.