Mr. Huang, living in Changhua, Formosa, has a golden retriever named Guru that covers his nose with his front paws as soon as he smells tobacco smoke. Sometimes he even flicks cigarettes from people’s hands. Guru is a watchdog at a shopping center run by Mr. Huang. One day, a cigarette-puffing youth deliberately exhaled smoke into Guru’s face. As soon as he caught the smell, Guru instinctively laid flat and still on the ground, placing his front paws over his nose. Only then did Mr. Huang notice that Guru found tobacco smell repulsive. Occasionally, shoppers smoking for a long time in the mall send Guru into a bout of sneezing. At this time, he courageously stands up and, catching the smoker off guard, taps the cigarette from his hand with his front paws. Guru’s cute appearance and celebrity carriage make him
a perfect candidate for anti-smoking advertisements, as he is certain
to evoke a widespread positive response.