Brave and Positive Changes
By Taipei News Group (Originally in Chinese)
On November 5, fellow initiates, fresh from overnight meditation, arrived at Cihui Temple in suburban Taipei to distribute Alternative Living leaflets and other promotional items to several thousand participants in a mountain-trekking event. Within a very short time, about 6,000 leaflets with information about the live online SMTV access had been distributed. When some high school students and children received the new four-fold Alternative Living leaflets, they were shocked by the pictures of pigs lying in a pool of blood and a row of bleeding chickens hung upside down. Appalled, they exclaimed: “This is terrible, violent and cruel! No more meat for me in the future!” Fellow initiates also shared Master’s teachings with young Internet surfers, most of whom concurred with the idea of a healthy vegetarian diet. They were invited to watch SMTV on the Internet to obtain more information.
On November 9, the 2nd Taipei International Organic and Healthy Vegetarian Food Exhibition was held at the Taipei World Trade Center. The four-day exhibition attracted tens of thousands of visitors. In addition to advocating the vegetarian ideal, fellow initiates shared news about SMTV. A nurse working with patients of chronic diseases such as stroke, diabetes, and heart ailments, knew all too well that their condition would improve if only they would forsake meat and switch to a healthy vegetarian diet. When she read the shocking information in the Alternative Living leaflets, she gladly took a stack of copies to distribute to her patients. “I will not hesitate to do something that requires so little effort but yields so much benefit,” she said. The owner of Sunshine Garden vegetarian restaurant was impressed that our Alternative Living materials showed no religious inclination, and he wanted to purchase Alternative Living table mats to give to his customers as gifts. In response to his interest in learning the Convenient Method, fellow initiates gave him Master’s books, sample book, and News magazines, and warmly invited him to visit Taipei Center to learn more about the Quan Yin Method. As Master once said: “If you truly believe in your goodness,
in what you are doing, you will influence other people. So one person
makes a lot of difference.” We are confident that, with concerted
effort by all and the grace of God, more people will switch to the compassionate
vegetarian diet. Fellow initiates in Taipei will continue on their beautiful
mission with a fearless spirit.