Stories from the Special Thailand
A Retreat for World Peace
By sister-initiate N. H., Duisburg, Germany
Even days after coming back from the seminar in Thailand, I still felt like everything had happened in a dream. I thank God Almighty for giving my children and me the opportunity to attend this seminar. This was a blessing that nothing in life could compare to. That day, Master appeared in a violet dress that She said was from Finland. She answered a number of questions from initiates who had not seen Her for a long time. Among them was an Iranian initiate who thanked Master and told Her about his wife and children. Next, Master asked all the Iranian initiates to come up to the stage. All were so happy to embrace Her. Their loving tears touched me deeply and I could not hold back mine. I looked at the brothers and sisters from Iran. Some had covered themselves with a veil in the Muslim tradition. I felt so close and so much love for them. Despite our different skin colors, appearances, traditions and languages, inside we were all one and were not different from each other. It was so moving when Master talked about Allah. She asked all of us to repeat after Her, “Allah is great” in English and in Persian. The whole hall filled with thousands all repeated after Her, making a huge resounding sound. I burst into tears. I knew that this was the time when we broke the wall of prejudice and crossed all boundaries, definitions and languages of all religions to merge into One, because together, we only had one God. Every time Master appeared, She wore a different traditional dress. The day She met the Aulacese, She wore a white dress and let Her hair down, looking very simple and cute. When Master saw an old Buddhist nun in a yellow robe, She invited the nun to sit next to Her and massaged her back. The nun was so touched, she embraced and kissed Master. These actions moved me very much, since they were so real, natural and spontaneous beyond all rituals, formalism and definitions by the human brain. To me this is God’s nature. Master also remembered the children. She had a special time for them. That day, She appeared in a shimmering pinky-violet floral gown, looking like a princess in mythology. I heard the children whispering to each other that Master was so pretty. She personally handed each child a beautiful stuffed animal. They were so excited with their gift. Everyday before meditation, we watched the new DVDs in which Master recited poems. She personally selected the best Aulacese poems to recite and had them translated into different languages. When they were alive, several authors of these poems had had a very poor and simple life. Watching these DVDs, I thought who could ever imagine that from the countryside of a small and poor country there were poets who wrote such masterpieces. This was an example to remind us that each sentient being is God’s creation that has God’s love inside them. Despite our status as rich or poor, despite our skin colors and languages, we must respect and never look down upon each other, and then world peace will become possible. The afternoon of the entertainment program, a shower came down to cleanse the streets. As soon as the shower was over, everyone appeared in their beautiful traditional dresses. It felt like the hotel resort was a compressed world filled with loving and happy faces. The performances were also splendid with contributions from around the world. On the last day, Master reminded us to keep practicing and
meditating diligently at home. What Master wanted to accomplish for us,
She had already done so. For the rest, we have to try with our own effort.
I suddenly realized that the days with Her had gone by so quickly, like
the blink of an eye. Everyone would soon go back to their home, to continue
their spiritual practice, bringing Master’s light and love to all
corners of the world. Together we would light up the planet with practicing
power and God’s love. If we kept up our efforts in spiritual practice,
silently and diligently, the world would be peaceful in no time.
Enjoy Life with Master’s Precious Gift and Miracles
By brother initiate, PerfectSky, Hsinchu, Formosa (Originally
in English)
Before and after I arrived at the Ambassador City Jomtien hotel in Pattaya, Thailand for the retreat, I encountered a multitude of miracles. Although it was chaos that I missed my plane, my pick up arrangements and accommodations were out of order, the Supreme One made everything nice and smooth for me to get to the retreat site and get a good room. All my wishes were coming true immediately. For example, the first morning when I just arrived I really needed a drink of water. Immediately, a kind brother offered me a precious bottle of water. When I waited patiently by the registration desk, I started to feel very hungry and contemplated getting some food but did not want to leave my spot. At that moment, a brother offered me his lunchbox! I gratefully accepted and enjoyed the delicious food inside. Soon after, I received my retreat pin but didn’t have a designated hotel room. I remembered my friend’s room number and was on my way there when I bumped into another old initiate friend who said, “Come to our room!” Wow, I was happy to hear his friendly invitation. Later all the brothers in that room agreed it was okay for me to stay with them. I was tired and as soon as I sat down the brothers decided to go somewhere which left me alone in the room to sleep peacefully! What a perfect little arrangement. Master wanted me to feel comfortable every step of the way and gave me all these small miracles to make things smooth for me. She is so thoughtful. I was so blessed to hear Master speak to the Aulacese initiates when I first came. The next time I heard Master speak was during an interesting discussion with some Iranian initiates. She gave them a big basket of blessed candies to bring back to their country. During the discussion Master made a bold and positive statement, “World peace will come soon!” Master made me feel so happy and confident. The world has been waiting countless eons for this message! Master saved the earth!! November 30 was one of the greatest days of my life. Master gave all of us the “God news” that we would receive a special present from Her later that evening. After this announcement Master wanted us to meditate so we closed our eyes. She started to recite the Holy Names. The instant I heard Master repeat the first sound of the first name, a chill rushed down my body from head to toe. Tears immediately welled up in my eyes and I started to cry. I felt like my soul had been waiting to hear this for a long time. The sound of Her voice was so ancient, so holy, and so pure. I felt like Her voice was the only true thing on Earth. I felt like Master was cleansing all my thoughts like a dear Mother washes her baby. I had no control over this experience; it was wonderful! Later that night, all the initiates filled the halls and meditated. Master gave instructions to certain individuals to relay the precious “Heavenly Gift” to us. That night was like no other in my life. I will remember it forever. All in all the retreat was a huge success, but only through
the love and blessings of Master could the impossible be made possible
and such a big gathering run well with every of the more than 20,000
people coming from over 50 countries feeling contented. From my own story
which I can not describe enough, one can imagine there were many miracles
that happened there to everyone else. Master’s power indeed takes
care of everyone meticulously. With all Her big and small miracles bestowed
upon us everyday we are indeed happy and enjoying this life! God’s Blessings Are Everywhere
By brother-initiate Eric Nghiem, New Jersey, USA (Originally
in English)
Many of life’s blessings are not as obvious as God sending a blaze of light during meditation. Most of the time, everyday occurrences turn out to be special only upon later reflection. A week before the Thailand seminar, my family and I were driving to the New Jersey Center for a Thanksgiving celebration. We had gone to the Center by the same route on almost a weekly basis for years. However, this trip was a little different. I somehow missed an exit on the highway and had to take a U-turn to get back on track, resulting in about a 10-minute delay. However, after turning around, I discovered that the route in the correct direction had been closed ten minutes earlier due to a huge traffic accident. We had never seen so many police cars and ambulances in one spot before! There was no way for us to reach the Center, so we turned back to go home. My wife and I were so initially disappointed; we wanted to meditate and she had baked quite a few pies for the Thanksgiving celebration. But on our way back home, we realized what had happened. If we had not missed the exit, we would have probably been in the middle of the large traffic accident. What seemed at first to be a deflating situation turned out to be Master’s intervention! The following week, when registering for the Thailand seminar, we all waited in line for hours. It felt like an eternity, and we all started getting impatient as we watched others go before us and we thought about needing a shower to refresh. Finally, when it was our turn, we were all very anxious to register and spoke about how great it would be to see Master. All of a sudden, we heard loud applause… Master was coming! Then we saw Her walking down the street. And, as if She had read our minds, She changed Her direction towards the registration area and walked right in front of us! If we had registered earlier, we would have missed that great opportunity. The next day, I was with a chocolate-colored brother who was one of my roommates. After waiting 30 minutes to catch the elevator in our accommodations, we were finally able to squeeze into one. Hot and a little irritable from the long wait, we emerged and quickly walked out of the hotel toward the meditation hall. The next thing we knew, we saw Master driving by! If we had not waited so long for the elevators, we would have missed the chance to see Master. One day after breakfast, my wife and I had decided to use the restrooms in front of the downstairs meditation halls. As we were walking, a young brother walking towards us suddenly said, “Aulacese…Aulacese…come quickly, now: Master is coming!” With the bathroom forgotten, we hurried in and were able to see Master! Later in the week, we and were walking from the book store after meditation. Just then, a young guard came out of nowhere and said, “English speakers? Come, quick, Master is coming!” We were then able to sit in on one of the most personal and funny lectures of the week with Master! It was like this during the whole retreat; everything worked out perfectly for us. Some may say that this was good karma or being in the right place at the right time, but we believe that Master had a plan for each of us and knew exactly what we needed. Sometimes we pray and ask Master for blessings and experiences.
We expect something very obvious to happen. However, Master doesn’t
always work that way. In looking at our daily lives, we find that we are
blessed every day, simply by living! Even if something does not appear
to work in our favor, the outcome is always perfectly arranged by God.
Nothing ever happens by chance; everything has a reason. We thank Master
every day for the countless blessings, regardless of whether they are