Combined report from global News teams
From November 26 to December 2, Golden Year 3 (2006), a monumental special seminar was held at a large hotel on the southern coast of Thailand. More than 20,000 fellow practitioners from around the world attended this historic event, to meet with our merciful Master. On November 24, the day before most of the initiates arrived, God’s cleansing rain poured down from the heaven; afterward, the atmosphere seemed purified, ready for a meditative and contemplative week together with our benevolent Master. For the remainder of the time, the weather remained comfortable and temperate, with cool meditation halls offering havens of retreat for spiritual practice.
November 25: Rejoice After a Long Yearning
November 26: A Glorious Day for All
In the early morning, Master quietly came to the Diamond meditation hall to bless the initiates who had meditated through the night. Around six o’clock, Master in a white dress toured the seminar grounds again, this time standing in the sun-roof of a white recreational vehicle. She greeted and waved to initiates from all over the world who had just arrived. Initiates cheered and applauded in response, feeling joyful that their yearning to see Master had been satisfied! Near noontime, Master in a golden-green traditional Aulacese nobility dress visited with the Aulacese initiates. Master amiably answered many questions and said: “If we just meditate, we have wisdom and we have the blessing power; then automatically the country will also have peace, and any problem will pass. Naturally everything will be open and emancipated, with no need for revolution or anything like that. Fighting back and forth and creating hatred results in nothing; it’s only a waste of time. We cannot avoid cause and retribution; it’s not like we live only today or only this life. There are more in the future. If we kill others, someday others will kill us back: if not in the next life then the life after that. It never ends. Therefore, forgiveness and tolerance is better; it will bring peace to humanity and the country. No hatred or dispute will bring peace to the country. The more we practice, the more the country develops and prospers, the more it becomes open.” ![]()
November 27: Official Opening of the Retreat
On this day, a large hall became available that could accommodate seven to eight thousand people. The decoration and audio teams worked overnight to set up the hall. A banner overhead with the shining words “World Peace Meditation” indicated the central theme of this event. At noon, with Her hair in a bun and wearing a beautiful pink dress, Master received Chinese initiates in the Hall of Sacred Love. Other meditation halls were also packed with fellow initiates who watched Her from TV or projector screens. Master announced the official beginning of the seminar and wished initiates to progress spiritually. The initiates from mainland China were very filled with feeling on that day, and Master patiently and kindly answered their questions, as they had been through much to be able to come. At around two o’clock Western initiates joined Master along with the Chinese initiates, to bathe in Master’s divine grace.
Master originally planned to have initiates move to the campsite to meditate and be able to see Her all together. However, the campsite facilities weren’t sufficient for such a huge group. In order to provide initiates with a more comfortable environment and also because the hotel had enthusiastically invited Master and the initiates to come back, in the afternoon of November 28 Master gathered all initiates at the campsite and announced the decision for everyone to return to the hotel. Just before Master was leaving, a warm mist of soft rain started with the sun still shining in the sky.
November 28: A Highlight of the Seminar
Master added that government leaders are trying their best. Master said She is thankful to the Muslim system because it keeps people protected from the many poisons of this world. There’s even less stealing and sexual harassment, etc., in the Islamic countries. Master told the initiates to be grateful to their government because at least the children and women are safe. She is sure that Muslim governments will feel they are safe with Her because we also live according to the way of the Koran.
November 29: Meditation Will Bring Peace to the World
Master again listened patiently to initiates’ questions. Her brilliant answers delighted and enlightened the audience. The spiritual exchange between Master and disciples was warm, joyful and encouraging. All participants will always treasure and remember this precious moment of being with an enlightened living Master! At the end of the meeting, Master invited everyone to watch the recorded Gusi Peace Award ceremony that took place on November 22 in the Philippines. At the end of the meeting, Master presented stuffed animals as gifts to all young initiates. Everyone was so happy. The Hall of Sacred Love was filled with joyful laughter. Shortly after, Master came again wearing a yellow Korean dress to see a group of newly arrived mainland China initiates. Master’s witty answers to their questions draw laughter from the audience. Some mainland Chinese initiates reported that they had cooperated with the local governments to help the poor in certain areas. Master was very happy to hear this good news. She reminded us of how China has improved recently and asked initiates to be patient. Master said that we used to do these charitable activities quietly, but if we can do them openly, it is good too. She reminded us to meditate, which will bring peace and improvement to the world, as well as spiritual progress. Master pointed out that we are powerful and that what we seek will come true, so we must always check ourselves and make sure that we are thinking positively. ![]()
November 30: True Thanksgiving and Heavenly Gift
In the afternoon, Master received Western initiates and working teams, wearing a green traditional Chinese dress. An American initiate thanked Master for giving him a true Thanksgiving. Expressing the feelings of many, he said that being here with Master and meditating quietly to thank God was much better than any holiday involving the sacrifice of turkeys, and to let the turkeys deliver their message of gratitude to God. Master answered that we do celebrate Thanksgiving in our way of praying to God. Towards the end of our time with Master that afternoon, She said that almost all of us have been uplifted to above a certain level and that She would give us a precious gift. That evening everyone contemplated the spiritual power of such an awesome gift.
In the evening, it was like a heavenly reunion. There were traditional dances and musical performances from different countries and races. There were also high-tech special sound and visual effects. The performances were very well prepared and looked professional. The colorful scenes and heavenly melodies echoed beyond the boundaries of time and space.
December 2: A Mission Impossible - Accomplished
During the day, initiates continued to meditate as scheduled. In the afternoon, we were informed that Master had to leave the convention site due to urgent matters. She sent Her message to all initiates: My heart is with you regardless of the whereabouts of my physical body. We are always One. Master said that Her main mission for this event, to bestow the gift, was fulfilled. She especially emphasized that She always loves us. She also reminded us to meditate diligently after going back home, to further uplift the universe. Initiates applauded in response. We thanked Master for Her explicit and implicit work, which allowed all the affairs of such an incredibly huge gathering to be carried out smoothly. It was the almighty God’s power that made the “Mission Impossible” become possible. On that evening, a special event was held at the Hall of Sacred Love. A contribution of $20,000 US dollars was offered on Master’s behalf to the local police families. Police Col. Pitak Sridang from the Special Branch Police represented those families and accepted the contribution. He thanked Master and Her initiates for their love and compassion. Local media also came and covered the event. All too soon, the epic retreat came to an end. Everyone felt
revitalized, re-energized and completely satisfied from deep within. It
was time for us to go back home to share God’s love with our fellow
beings. In our hearts, we all hope to further our spiritual progress by
remembering and deepening those precious times and blessings with our
beloved Master, and to help accelerate world peace with our meditation
and loving atmosphere.