Panorama of Events
Conveying Love through
Clay Molding
By Changhua News Group (Originally in Chinese)
On November 4 and 5, Golden Year 3 (2006), a Changhua cultural fair
was held in the square before Yuanlin Township Office. An array
of preserved fruits and local farm produce was exhibited, while
family games, free DIY (Do It Yourselves) instruction sessions,
painting contests, and arts performances were held, making this
an interesting event.
Changhua Center of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association
participated in this activity. Two sisters (a mother and her daughter),
who are both clay molding artists, conducted free sessions on the
making of animal figurines. They were joined by several fellow initiates,
who distributed Alternative Living flyers and held a quiz with prizes.
Master’s lecture DVD “The Real Heroes” was shown
to impress upon visitors the importance of environmental conservation,
animal protection, and the vegetarian diet. Visitors had their animal
figurines affixed with stickers printed with words of compassion
and the URL of the Quan Yin Websites. The two-day event saw several
hundred people take home works they had made with love. In the days
to come, each time they look at these cute animal figurines, they
will be reminded of the compassionate nature within them. Through
this event, people now have a greater understanding of animal welfare
and vegetarianism.
To keep pace with the planet’s ongoing spiritual
elevation, the local centers of The Supreme Master Ching Hai
International Association are holding more and more video seminars
and other Truth-sharing events.
You are welcome to join in these activities with your friends
and relatives. For the latest schedule of our activities, please
visit the following URL: