Selected Questions and Answers
Believe in Virtue and Wisdom
Rather than “Sin”
![]() Panama (House of Journalism), November 29, 1989 Videotape #106 Q: If we have been created by God that we are gods, too, then what is the level that we will reach? M: We will reach God. We will become one with God, like Jesus did. Jesus said, “I and my Father are One.” We will not lose our identity. We just lose our false identity; then we know our true Nature. I’ll make it more clear for you: most of the time, most people identify themselves with their body and their personality. But the personality is not the real Self. The personality is what we are taught to be, what we are made to believe we are, which exists through the accumulation of experiences and the knowledge that is passed down to us from generation to generation, also through the influence of society and the surroundings and the background as well as by education. Therefore, you may see two brothers who are born in the same family. But depending on what kind of friends they have, what kind of education they have, what kind of jobs they have, they both will have different personalities. And sometimes the personality can change through training or through different education. So, sometimes the one who is more educated behaves differently than the one who is not educated. For example, the hostess of the airplane behaves in a very uniform way - always polite, always smiling - because she is trained to do so. And then we identify that person with their personality: “Oh, she is very nice; she is like that; she is very courteous; she is very polite.” We should say this is her training or her background, not her Self. Everyone could be trained to become like that, if they had time and the opportunity. So when we know God, or the God Nature within ourselves, then we know we are not anything that we thought before now. We will discover a new Self. Actually it’s very old, but newly discovered. Then we know that we are all loving, all forgiving, all wisdom, all compassion, exactly as God is. We will swim through the garbage of our collected experience and prejudice and preconceived ideas, and push away all the false ideas and notions, because these are given to us by the ignorant people and the society and all kind of customs, which are not always wise and correct. And then we can exclaim, “I and my Father are One!” Then we can be truly ourselves, liberated - liberated from all these false shackles of false understanding. Then we can say, “I am as perfect as the Father in Heaven is perfect.” Therefore, do not believe in sin. It is only apparently so.
We must believe in virtue and wisdom and the inheritance of our Father’s
God, which is Godly, which is wisdom, which is compassion and love. Just
like the wrapping of these candies: (Master demonstrates by holding up
a wrapped candy) The wrapping may be different, but inside, it’s
sweet; it’s the same company that made it. (Everyone applauds) You
see, if we do not understand all these principles, then it’s not
easy to love our enemies. It’s not easy to forgive the sins of the
people. See how important the principles are? That’s why I told
you that Jesus was famous, not for his miracles, but for His principles.
And I also tell you the same principles. What I say, all the ancient Masters
have already said. I just bring it to your notice and make it clearer
for your understanding.