Positive Improvements on the Planet

Positive News for a Better World

By Entertainment Team, Los Angeles, California, USA
(Originally in English)
Peace on the Horizon

From SMTV News, Episode 62

Positive events are taking place in Nepal, as a solution to bring lasting peace is in sight. On November 21, Golden Year 3 (2006), Nepal’s Prime Minister, Girija Prasad Koirala, and Maoist Party Chairman Prachanda, signed the Nepal Peace Agreement, ending a decade-long conflict within the country. Nepal’s interim government, known as the Seven Party Alliance, has also established a permanent ceasefire.

The interim government is also planning a new House of Representatives with equal representation from different parties. This will bring the total House to about 300 members. During the election process, an agreed-upon peace-based constitution will be adopted.




For Children to Eat Healthily

From SMTV, News, Episode 19

A Latvian government decision will make Latvia the first EU country to implement a total ban on junk food sales in public schools on November 1st. Francesco Branca, an adviser with the World Health Organization in Copenhagen, is very happy with this decision. He said that a program to provide alternative food items and encourage children to eat healthily should join the ban. As part of the plan to improve children’s overall diet, the Health Ministry of Latvia ♥♥♥♥♥ said it would also promote consumption of juice, fruit berries and unsalted nuts in all public schools.

Mainland China
Strengthened Bond between China and Africa

From SMTV News, Episode 57

At the unprecedented 2006 Summit Forum on China-Africa Cooperation held in Beijing, Chinese President Hu Jintao orum on China-Africa Cooperation held in Beijing, Chinese President Hu Jintao ♥♥♥♥ pledged to double China’s aid to Africa over the next three years. He also said that China is prepared to give African nations US$3 billion in loans, US$2 billion in export credits and a US$5 billion fund to promote Chinese investment in Africa. China also promises to train 5,000 African professionals and build hospitals and clinics across the continent.

In ongoing commitments China hopes to raise African living standards through trade, loans and aid including sending doctors, teachers and engineers. Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi welcomed China’s support and thanked President Hu, emphasizing that Africa needs support to fight poverty. Prime Minister Zenawi said, “In a new era, China and Africa have common development goals and converging interests, which offer a broad prospect for cooperation.” When nations support one another’s advancement, it’s truly a welcome sign for our planet!





A Haven for Iraqi Refugees

From SMTV News, Episode 52

The war in Iraq has affected many of its innocent citizens; therefore, they decided to move somewhere safe and hopefully peaceful. Sweden came to be the choice of many newly immigrating Iraqis. The immigration laws in Sweden make it easier than other countries to get a residence permit. In fact, so many new Iraqi immigrants came to Sweden that the country had to set up a special immigration unit to deal with the overflow. Most new [LM1] immigrants now are getting these permits to go live with families who already escaped from the war back home. Thank you, Sweden ♥♥♥♥♥♥, for opening your heart and sheltering the brothers and sisters in times of need.




Putting Health Needs of the Citizens First

From SMTV News, Episode 54

The EU ♥♥♥♥♥ is adopting a new strategy to actively support member states in reducing the harmful effects of alcohol. Estimating that 195,000 people die per year from alcohol abuse in the EU, the European Commission will address the many adverse health effects of alcohol consumption in Europe.

According to a press release by the European Commission: “Fifty-five million adults are estimated to drink to hazardous levels in the EU. Harmful and hazardous alcohol consumption is the net cause of 7.4 % of all ill-health and early death in the EU. Absenteeism due to hazardous alcohol use, drinking during working hours, or working with a ‘hangover’ all have a negative impact on work performance, and thereby on competitiveness and productivity. In the age group of 15–29 years, over 10% of female mortality and around 25% of male mortality are due to hazardous alcohol consumption.”

The official document from the European Commission continues to say: “This is also the cause in 16% of cases of child abuse and neglect. Exposure to alcohol during pregnancy can impair brain development and is associated with intellectual deficits. Approximately one accident in four can be attributed to alcohol consumption, and about 10,000 people are killed in alcohol-related road accidents in the EU each year.”

Given the seriousness of this public health issue, fortunately under the European Commission’s leadership, positive programs and policies will help promote safe and healthy living for all.



The Food Programme 2006 in Moldova

From SMTV News, Episode 56

Created to help fight against chronic poverty, the Food Programme 2006 in Moldova recently received 1.2 million euros worth of funds. At a new total of a 9.2 million euros, the programme, which began in 2002, also hopes to help build up Moldova’s agricultural economy, the foundation of their country. The grand total for all the years leads to an amount of 24.5 million. 18.3 million was also given in 2005 to help support basic fundamentals of society, health, and economy. The programme was formed under the joint plans of the EU-Moldova ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Action Plan and Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper.



Australian Government Harnesses Solar Energy

From SMTV News, Episode 56

The Australian government ♥♥♥♥♥♥ has signed two deals totaling $95 million to cut down on their greenhouse gas emissions and pollutants. The first is the construction of the world’s largest solar plant. A 154-megawatt plant, it will use mirrored panels to absorb the power of the sun. It is planned to begin operating in 2008 and be at full power by 2013.

The second is to collect pollutants from a pre-existing coal power house. The emissions from this power house will be recaptured and recycled to make even more power while less pollutants are released into the air. .



Aid to Burundi


From SMTV News, Episode 58

Belgium donated 60 million euros in aid to Burundi. This action renewed their bilateral cooperation, which has been suspended after this small coffee-growing nation in central Africa plunged into a civil war in 1993.

Burundian people have been waiting for 13 years for the renewal of direct cooperation with Belgium. This donation proved that its partners understand the government’s efforts to rebuild their economy.

According to officials, these funds will be helping with the living conditions of the Burundian people and their national heath, education and agriculture over the next couple of years.



New Zealand
Leading the Way in “Zero Waste” Concept

From SMTV News, Episode 58

The city of Timaru ♥♥♥♥♥ is located in the Canterbury region on the east coast of New Zealand’s South Island. Timaru now leads the way in waste recycling by introducing a collection and recycling system, which aims at zero waste. The Timaru City council already reported that 75% of all waste was being recycled after just 3 months of implementation. Prime Minister of New Zealand Helen Clarke wholeheartedly endorsed the project as a model for the rest of the nation, calling it an “incredible achievement” to have a majority of all waste that was formerly intended for landfill diverted to recycling.

Local residents and city council officials agreed that the concept of ‘Zero Waste,’ which was so successfully demonstrated in Timaru, is the way of the future for waste disposal in New Zealand.



The Philippines
Give Peace a Chancea

From SMTV News, Episode 86

Major General Raymundo Ferrer commented: “Maybe it’s about time we teach our soldiers to do peace-building.”

The Philippine army and non-governmental organizations send a message to the government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front: They want peace! One of the organizers of the ‘Week of Peace’ explained: “Apart from promoting peace-building, one of our objectives in this year’s celebration of the ‘Week of Peace’ is to urge the government and the [Moro Islamic Liberation Front] peace panels to continue the peace negotiations.” Major General Raymundo Ferrer ♥♥♥♥♥♥ of the Philippine army supported his troops’ participation in the event. He commented: “Maybe it’s about time we teach our soldiers to do peace-building. The military has more idle time than combat time, so they might as well find other productive things to do, like helping to build peace and improve life in the community.”

That sounds like a fantastic idea! May peace-building soldiers be the new generation of soldiers in our world.




Kashmir, Pakistan and India
Another Sign of Peace

From SMTV News, Episode 87

Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf

Kashmir, a region in the Himalayas, is known for its beauty. This predominantly Muslim region has also been the subject of dispute between Pakistan and India for almost 60 years. Both neighboring nations claim all of Kashmir as their territory. Recently, Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf ♥♥♥♥♥♥ announced that Pakistan is willing to relinquish its claim to Kashmir if India agrees that Kashmir will be more autonomous or self-ruling. Since their independence from Britain in 1947, two of the three wars between India and Pakistan were fought over Kashmir. Fortunately, two years ago, the two countries mended their relations by initiating a peace process. And now, this significant declaration on the part of Pakistan might herald a new era of peace for the entire region.

President Musharraf said: “Inherently, both sides have to give up their positions and step back. If one of us is not prepared to step back, we will not reach a solution.”

This is a remarkable comment by a leader in modern times. Surely people in the region will be the first ones to appreciate the harmonious atmosphere. Our very best wishes are offered to the beautiful people of Kashmir, Pakistan and India.
Formosa and Mainland China
A Step towards Peace

During Supreme Master Ching Hai’s lecture in May 2000 in Formosa, attendees inquired about future peace between the two sibling areas. Master’s affirming response of “Yes” drew a big applause from the audience, showing that this was clearly the dream of many Chinese from both mainland China and Formosa.

Q: Will China and Formosa love each other with the complete and great love that they have for themselves?

M: Yes. (Applause) But everyone must work harder and both sides need to be truly sincere.

(Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, May 5, 2000,
Taoyuan, Formosa, DVD #692 Originally in Chinese)

Now this dream of peace is coming true, step by step. Formosa has been opening its doors to 1,000 visiting tourists from mainland China each day. A survey conducted by the government showed that the majority of people welcome tourists from mainland China. Also, Formosa is now considering increasing the quota to 1500 visitors a day.

Upon hearing this news, Master was really happy. She said, “It is because you people on both side practice well spiritually. Therefore, the atmosphere and the world is getting better and better. Through changing the world, we ourselves also benefit! As I have said, if you are devoted in spiritual practice, everything will change for the better. We don’t have to go to war; we don’t have to fight for anything or argue with people; we only need to practice silently, and then everything will get better.” (Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, November 26, 2006, International retreat in Bangkok, Thailand Originally in Chinese)
Letters from Master to both governments

To congratulate this achievement, Master has written letters to the governments of both Formosa and mainland China, saying that this exchange of goodwill is a significant gesture toward world peace as it demonstrates that both governments truly have the people’s well-being at heart, with compassionate good policies that benefit all. Expressing Her sincere respect and admiration, Master wishes them an even brighter and more beautiful future.