The most important thing in life is that you find wisdom within yourself. There’s no need to sit around and talk about “God this and that and the other” because the more we talk, the farther we are from God. So, whatever you can understand is good, but keep it to yourself since maybe tomorrow you’ll understand differently. Therefore, just discover things for yourself and enjoy them. There is no one definition of God, and there’s nothing we should say about God. I don’t know if anyone has ever been able to explain God, even in a higher dimension. Why should we bother about that old Guy? We’re OK! (Audience laughs) Whether Hes exists or not, who cares? We come here, we have blessed food, we sleep and we have a performance now and again. We’re all right, aren’t we? And since God is everywhere anyhow, who cares where we die, when we die, where we go or what we do? Does a fish worry about whether he tumbles out of the ocean somewhere? Does a fish worry that he might run out of water or swim in the wrong direction into the wrong water? No, he doesn’t. He is already in the ocean. It’s OK. We’re very secure. To meditate and think and so on is just to remember that we’re already very secure because we forget. And then we worry, thinking, “Oh, my God! Where is God?” And, “Where am I going after this? Will Hes come to see me or will I go to Heaven to see Hirm?” Because we don’t realize that we are already in the presence of God. Whatever we do and wherever we are, it’s in God’s presence. It’s just that we become too busy with our material occupations, and then we get scared and threatened by the physical power. By that time we’re exhausted, so we have to go within again and meditate and think and remember where we are. And then we are not afraid; we are secure again. It’s just like a fish; he has to still himself for a while
and then he will remember: “Oh, that’s right. I’m still
in the ocean. I haven’t gone anywhere. I haven’t gotten lost
anywhere. The ocean is surrounding me all the time. I can never lose touch
with it. It’s in me, it’s outside of me and it surrounds me.
It is me! I’m born from the ocean. Even though I might look different,
I came from the ocean. I live in the ocean, and if I go from the ocean,
I will come back to the ocean, probably in another form. But I will also
be from the ocean, inside the ocean.” And then the fish feels good.
So, that’s the purpose of meditation: know that you are the fish!