Love in Action
By Ulaanbaatar News Group and a Quan Yin messenger
(Originally in Mongolian and Chinese) Each year between June and August, the beautiful Mongolian grassland is always covered with fragrant wild flowers and the green forest offers a great place for summer vacation. However, according to research, 40% of the forest resources have been damaged to different degrees in the Mongolian region as a result of human actions. In order to protect the natural ecosystem and solve the problem of climate change, the government has implemented a national “One person a tree” policy to encourage people to plant more trees. To celebrate Master’s birthday in May, Golden Year 3 (2006), Ulaanbaatar Center adopted a 5-acre land in Zuunsalaa and planted 3,500 trees in response to the call of the government (refer to News #169 for details). When Master learned the news, She soon instructed to contribute a total of 20,000 US dollars to assist the government to carry out this good policy. When we brought our tree-planting proposal to the Ministry of Nature and Environment, their staff strongly acknowledged Master’s charitable act, expressing their appreciation of our group’s endeavors to protect the environment and do charitable work while many people are cutting down trees and forests.
On October 19, the initiates started planting 30,000 trees, focusing on the adopted 5-acre land as well as the surrounding areas, in the hope of finishing the project before snow comes. At that time the temperature was about zero degrees and small snowflakes appeared. With the assistance of some workers that we hired and the coordination of more than twenty initiates, the trees were all planted on October 22. The snow followed the rain on October 21 and covered Zuunsalaa and the neighboring cities. The next day, all the snow on the ground had melted and thus provided the much needed water for the trees just planted. During those days, we felt God’s love accompanied us and took care of everything in detail. When the journalists from the TV station heard the news, they came to interview us on site. Under the nourishment of God’s love, the young trees
planted in May have grown to over 30 centimeters high and look healthy
and lovely. We envision that these young trees will gradually grow up
to be tall and strong and will guard the beautiful forest, help alleviate
global warming and allow the next generation a more beautiful world to
live in. Next spring, the initiates are planning to continue this tree
planting project in other needed areas.