While on the Path
By Sister-initiate Malka, Buenos Aires, Argentina (Originally in Spanish)I was born into a Jewish family, and although we were not orthodox, I was sent to a Jewish primary school to get some knowledge of Jewish history and traditions. I also studied the Torah and Old Testament and as a child was fascinated by the way Moses guided the Jewish people out of slavery in ancient Egypt, overcoming many obstacles and dangers on the way to freedom. But what touched me the most was that Moses could see, speak and listen to God. I remember sitting on my grandma’s chair and looking up toward the ceiling, asking God why I was not able to do as well. And since I did not receive an answer, the longing to get in touch with God remained in my subconscious and lay dormant there as a mystery for a long time. Many years later, I reflected on my existence, my role in society and my development in the spiritual realm and wanted things to get better. I observed that many human beings were unable to identify with their neighbors as brothers and sisters and saw many divisions in a society that I did not want to be a part of. I yearned to belong to a community where all the members could live in peace and harmony despite having different backgrounds and religious beliefs. At that time, I used to watch the 1970s TV series Kung Fu and waited for the moment in each show when the hero Kwai Chang Caine remembered his Master’s teachings at the most dangerous and difficult time in the story. That program inspired me to search for my own Master, the One who could help me achieve a superior lifestyle, be a better person and provide me with the highest knowledge - things I knew I could not get at any university or from my parents, although they had been excellent examples of honesty and love. Because I wanted to improve my life, I began by changing my diet. On a doctor’s recommendation, I took up an egg-vegetarian regimen and definitely knew that my life was getting better and happier. But still, something was missing. Then one day, while I was buying some tofu, a woman came up to me and asked nicely how I would cook that food. After I explained the procedure to her, we began talking about my life and the fact that I had not yet found my path. The woman realized that I was looking for something she had already found, so she waited until I paid for my purchase and invited me to a café for a cup of tea. I accepted her invitation with pleasure and while we were sitting at the table and the waiter brought us some tea and cookies, I was surprised that she refused to eat the cookies because they were made with eggs. She then began talking about her diet and especially about how her life had changed since she met Supreme Master Ching Hai and learned the Quan Yin Method. After she explained more about Master’s
teachings, I was happy to learn that the Quan Yin path was for everyone.
I was unaware of all the blessings I would eventually receive through
Master’s love and the practice, however, I was sure I had found
my way. I soon learned the Convenient Method and a few months later
was initiated. Since then, I have had no need to change either my
Master or my method because Master has shown me what a true human
life is like. She is very consistent and has never let me down because
She is the living example of Her teachings, full of beauty, wisdom
and Truth. While I know that I have a long way to go on my spiritual
path, I am now much closer to reaching my highest goals.