Report from
Uplifting Thai Consciousness
through a Vibrant Video Seminar
By the Bangkok News
Group (Originally in Thai)
[Bangkok] On November 20, 2005 Thai fellow
practitioners held a highly successful video seminar
at Bangkok’s Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University.
For several days before the event, the
practitioners enthusiastically distributed
promotional flyers in local villages, marketplaces,
supermarkets, convention halls and other areas. Then
on seminar day the brothers and sisters beautified
the venue with flowers including lotuses, roses and anthuriums and hung many of Master’s photos around
the site, filling the atmosphere with Her blessing
power. Also, members of the kitchen team diligently
prepared heavenly vegetarian cuisine at a sister’s
home for the participants, and meditated so that the
food would become filled with Master’s blessings.
Next many Truth-seekers from Bangkok and
surrounding provinces attended the activity and felt
Master’s love create a warm atmosphere. One
housewife from a village close to the University
told the initiates with deep sincerity, “I came upon
the seminar by chance. My daughter had an
examination until noon today, and after leaving her
and seeing a seminar poster I instantly decided to
attend the gathering.” Upon hearing these remarks
the initiates realized that the woman’s experience
had undoubtedly been one of Master’s arrangements.
During the seminar many guests, touched by
Master’s unconditional love, goodness, grace and
beauty, showed great interest in the video lecture
entitled Listening Inwardly to Our Self Nature
and asked many questions about Her video-biography
and the Quan Yin Method of meditation. Most of the
attendees were satisfied with Master’s teachings and
sought to learn more about the Method by acquiring
Her publications. One elderly man gazed at Master’s
photos for a long time and informed the initiates,
“I like Master’s parrots a lot and am touched by the
power emanating from the birds in these photos.”
Upon completion of the video presentation,
approximately two-thirds of the guests stayed to
learn the Convenient Method of practice and some
expressed a desire to receive initiation.![](images/sp6-3-162.jpg)
Afterwards the participants enjoyed the delicious
vegetarian food prepared by the initiates, who were
happy to see many Truth-seekers showing interest in
Master’s teachings, and realized that holding events
such as the Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
seminar helps to elevate their compatriots, and
ultimately the world, to a higher spiritual level.♥