Supreme Master Ching Hai's Latest MP3s

MP3-CR15 <Spoken in Chinese>

Taipei International Seven-day Retreat, Formosa, May 22-27, 1994

1. Respect the Right to Live

2. True Alms-Giving

3. The Buddha's Past Lives

4. Do Not Teach the Convenient Method at Random

5. The Spirit of Lao Tze and Chuang Tze

Ching Hai Day Three-day Retreat, Hsihu, Formosa, October 23-25, 1994

6. The Diligent Prince Who Loved His People/The World is a Stage


1995 New Year International Three-day Retreat, Hsihu, Formosa, December 31, 1994 - January 2, 1995

7. How to Invite God's Grace

8. Auspicious Signs at Master's Birth

9. Spiritual Questions and Answers-Korean Disciples

New Books Releases

I Have Come to Take You Home
<In Arabic>



Supreme Master Ching Hai's Latest CDs

CD-CG07 <Spoken in Chinese>

Elevating the World through Spiritual Practice

Videoconference with initiates from Hsihu, Formosa, Hong Kong and Mainland China, August 4, 11 and September 15, 2002

Summary: Thanks to God's blessings and humankind's technological progress, fellow practitioners around the world are now able to talk to Master directly and ask Her spiritual questions via videoconferences. Through this medium, viewers can enjoy Master's ever-humorous talks on the video screen and perceive Her love and wisdom through the Internet. This form of communication, which transcends time and space, bridges the physical distance between Master and Her highly appreciative fellow practitioners.


CD-E733 <Spoken in English>

Living with a Noble Purpose

Group meditation in Florida, USA, June 10, 2001

Summary: How can we benefit tiny beings such as ants through simple actions in our daily lives? Why does the soul sometimes experience a "spiritual winter," and how can we overcome it? What is the difference between God's will and free will? Do we still have free will when we reach the state wherein all creatures are one? In this highly informative lecture, Master addresses these questions and also discusses how She went through much trouble searching day and night for a beach-front center within easy access of all fellow initiates.

Supreme Master Ching Hai's Latest DVDs

691 <Spoken in English, with subtitles in twenty-six languages>

Illusion is a Reflection of Reality

Lecture in Manila, the Philippines, May 3, 2000

Summary: Master treats the following questions in this talk. Why are all sentient beings equal before God? Why is it improper for us to randomly judge and criticize people? What is the meaning of the statement "I die daily" in the Bible? What is the sole purpose for coming to this world? What is the meaning of the existence of the physical world in contrast to the Truth, goodness and beauty of Heaven? What are true freedom and liberation while living in the body? Master's explicit and incisive explanations help us to more clearly realize the subtle relationship between the illusory world and the real world.


712 <Spoken in English with subtitles in 23 languages>

The Divine Intelligence of Animals

Group meditation in Florida, USA, June 5, 2001

Summary: Master shares Her experience of adopting and caring for animals such as parrots and dogs. Her boundless love and meticulous observations remind us to love our animal friends, and give us a better understanding of animals' spirituality and loyalty. Through Master's words, we find that the sentience of animals is no less than that of humans - the most spiritual beings among all God's creatures.


719 <Spoken in English, with subtitles in 24 languages>

Overcoming Bad Habits

Group meditation in Florida, USA, June 9, 2001

Summary: In this lecture, Master offers advice on how to overcome addictions in three weeks. She also addresses why the negative power exists in the world, how we should react to relentless attacks from negative energy, and differences in the abilities of various enlightened Masters to deliver sentient beings although they teach the same method and doctrines. In addition, Master offers the inspiring insights that Heaven has opened a wholesale program to help earthlings and that the Master power will help those who sincerely wish to be liberated. These words of encouragement to all initiates remind us that we are the most fortunate spiritual practitioners in the world.


444 <Spoken in English, with Chinese subtitles>

Rely on Yourself

Group meditation in Hawaii, USA, September 6, 1994

Summary: Do you know why even an enlightened Master has to fight the habits of many lifetimes stored in Her genes while living in the physical world? How do we recall our Heavenly memories and remember our mission in life? God is almighty, but why does Hes not always answer our prayers? How does the ego benefit our mission in this world? How are Quan Yin practitioners different than devas or celestial beings? How do violent films affect our children? In this DVD, Master reveals Her profound wisdom by providing incisive answers to these questions.


Latest Second Edition DVDs, with subtitles to ensure better comprehension of Master's words.

DVD737 To Practice with Ease <Spoken in Chinese, with English subtitles>


DVD739 Master's Transformation Body <Spoken in Chinese, with English subtitles>


DVD648 The Way to End War <Spoken in English, with subtitles in Aulacese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian and Thai>


To order Master’s publications, please contact:
The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association
Publishing Co., Ltd., Taipei, Formosa
Tel: (886) 2-87873935 / Fax: (886) 2-87870873
ROC Postal Remittance Account No.: 19259438 (for Formosa orders only)
Postal Account: The Supreme Master Ching Hai Publishing Co., Ltd.
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summaries of the contents of Master’s latest publications: (in English and Chinese)