
Pennsylvania disciples overcame unfavorably cold weather conditions and icy roads to gather at their local center and celebrate the unfolding of the Golden Age. The initiates sang and danced joyfully, expressing their inner happiness and gratitude for the blessings they have received. Words can never express our deep appreciation to our beloved Master, Who has given the world the most wonderful and priceless gift possible. They wholeheartedly pray for Master’s health, beauty, longevity and happiness so that She may continue to glorify the world and guide them Home.

The Midwestern Centers

On the weekend of January 17-18, 2004, initiates from the Midwestern states of Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri and Ohio gathered at the centrally located Indiana Center in Indianapolis to celebrate the True New Year and greet the New Golden Age with a retreat and performance program. Also, each initiate and non-initiate guest received a gold envelope with the following message in red lettering: “Welcome to the New Golden Era. We Have Arrived, Thanks to Master,
January 15, 2004.” Inside the envelopes
were small photos of our beloved Master.

All the performances showed such a high degree of effort and sincerity that many disciples in the audience were moved to tears. It was touching to see the way the Midwestern initiates came together in a natural way, making everyone feel deeply that we truly are One. Thank You, dearest Master, from all of us.

New York


At a grand celebration following group meditation at the New York Center on January 18, initiates and their relatives and friends happily gathered at a venue decorated with festive lanterns and colorful ribbons. The exhilarating atmosphere was infectious as children frolicked in excitement and initiates expressed appreciation to their revered Master through captivating performances that filled the Center with an air of joy and harmony.



On January 25, 2004, the Sacramento Center’s theme for its New Year’s festivity in honor of the Golden Age was “Mother and Eternal Happiness.” A number of fellow initiates performed joyous original songs while the others sang along. They give their thanks to the Mother of Compassion, the Mother of Greatness, Who has bestowed on all sentient beings a spring of eternity!


In an entertaining and innovative approach, fellow initiates play Asian and Western Kitchen Gods reporting to the Jade Emperor.

According to Asian folklore, at the end of each Lunar ear the Kitchen God, who is assigned to watch each household, returns to Heaven to report to the Jade Emperor on the members’ good and bad actions during the year.

Although Asian in origin, the Kitchen God has parallels in Western culture. For example, Hestia, a renowned goddess of ancient Greece, and Vesta, her Roman counterpart, were associated with the warmth and comfort of the welcoming hearth.


by sister initiates Vuong Vu and Lynn McGee,
Ohio, USA (originally in Aulacese and English)

Dear Jade Emperor,

Representing the Ohio Center,
I report the following to you,
All of which is completely true!
Throughout the past year,
I can state without fear,
In spiritual practice they all tried their best —
Not too many movies or late-night chats!
They also sat silent for many hours,
Praying with fervor for the Master power
Together with disciples from many nations,
All very diligent in daily meditation.

They tried being patient and training their minds,
Saying, “Don’t worry if wisdom’s not easy to find!
Don’t expect experiences and inner Light;
Just have faith even if it’s always night!”

After many long sessions, they “awoke” in the hall,
Thinking there must be something they could recall.
But their level was such they remembered not a thing
Except, sometimes, the vague sound of snoring!

Time flies very quickly, like the wings of a bird;
As it was only last March that everyone heard
Our great, beloved Master had kindly bestowed
Magnificent blessings —
even on those who’d been quite low,
Raising them to levels high above,
Way up to sainthood through Her infinite Love.

From the very beginning and ever since
They could all feel the difference,
Their spirits elated —
Such a gift wasn’t anticipated!

Our loving Master also gave them this key:
Practice with more and more humility;
For only then will you truly be free!
So they tried very hard, one and all,
To reach Bodhisattva level so they couldn’t fall.

Dear Jade Emperor,
Representing the Center,
I don’t lie when I say it wasn’t they who tried,
But the great Master power
That produced the Bodhisattva flowers,
Blooming everywhere
Under Her infinite care
Making them lucky
To be so free.

So thanks beyond words for Her blessings and prayers
Now that many souls are more spiritually aware,
And we also hear that the time is near
For the fruition of Her mission to become crystal clear
As so many beings grasp the Truth of “the sage,”
Master walks with us all into the Golden Age.

Now that She’s sown these spiritual seeds
We know that all roads now to peace do lead.
When no more countries will go to war
And no more hatred keeping score,
Love will at last have a chance to reign
And the Earth can be restored again.
With so many souls being finally set free
This must be the greatest time in history!

And now my report as Kitchen God’s done;
All I can say is that I had so much fun!
See you next year
When this time draws near.
Bye-bye for now and Happy True New Year!