Q:One of the things that strickes me from reading Your books and watching Your videos is the fact that You always reinforce that a person should find the Master within and that they needn’t shy away from pursuing and manifesting a career in the world and living their life.

This interests me because I’m trying to balance my path within business as well as within my spirit. Could you illuminate me on that, or is there any more guidance you might be able to give me?

M:That’s clear. Or, do you want to be a monk, and go to the Himalayas alone?

Q: Sometimes that seems very attractive, I must admit.

M: We can do all of it. We don’t have to choose one way or another. For example, you can be as successful as you want in the world. You should! Since we’re here, we play the game, and we should play it to the best of our ability. But sometimes playing the game too long is tiring; then you can go on retreat for a while. Go to the Himalayas, come to join our retreat here or join some other retreat somewhere else to refresh your spirit and recharge your energy. We can do everything we want, not just one thing.

But some people like to make it simple. They choose one way of life, like they might renounce the world and go into the Himalayas or the Tibetan regions and then dedicate their whole life to knowing God. These people are also successful. It depends on your karma and your affinity as to what you should do. Before we descended to this world, we chose a path to walk on. There’s no path that’s better than another path; I’d like to tell you that. Maybe you’re destined to be a successful business boss so you should continue with that. But we shouldn’t be extreme in any way. I emphasize just the middle way for everyone. We can do this, that and another: It makes our life more colorful and interesting.


Q: One of the things that’s provided a real challenge for me is that somewhere along my path or my life, I decided that I would try to accept the challenge of making my business into a manifestation of the spirit. And it’s very, very challenging; I find it very difficult sometimes, and I really do feel like I need to move to the Himalayas and get far away from it.

But Your message, to get in contact with the Master both externally and internally for guidance, is what I feel is important help me to guide this manifestation in the right way and also for my own spirit so that I can find my own peace and my own time as well.

M: Yes, the outside Master is just meant to guide you to meet your own Master, which is your Self. It’s just to show you the way; you must drive yourself. But sometimes you find that the outside Master is also the inner Master. And that’s interesting. And sometimes you find that the outside Master is only an outside Master and can’t be an inside Master. And sometimes you find that the inside Master you meet has not manifested outside.

So, there are three categories of Masters. One is just the outside Master, teaching you theory and any kind of religious doctrine. That’s also very good for you! Another one is the past Master or even present Master, but inside. “Inside” means at a higher level of consciousness. He or She doesn’t manifest on the physical level so you can’t see Him or Her in this world. It’s only when you meditate inside that you communicate on the inner level.

That’s numbers one and two. One is outside, completely alone outside. And another one is inside, for example, Jesus or Buddha. Sometimes when you meditate, in deep meditation, you contact these past or even present Masters but on the inside level only. You can’t meet them on the street or anywhere else in this world. That’s the inner Master.

Another kind of Master is such that He or She can also guide you on the inner level of consciousness, at a higher level, but you can also meet Him or Her in this world. You can touch, shake hands, talk and so on.

So, these are the three kinds of Masters. Finding a Master who can lead us both inside and outside is more difficult than finding the other two kinds. Finding the first one is easier. Finding the second one is more difficult because we have to raise our level of consciousness to a higher level in order to meet that inner Master. And finding the third one is more difficult than the rest.

Most of the time, the outer Master guides you to meet the inner Master. And if He or She is both the outer and inner Master as well, then that Person has already become very enlightened and has access to all the levels of the inside, even apart from the outside. That’s rare. This kind of Master is rare, only like Jesus or Buddha. These are the real Ones.

Q: If the Master teaches you how to get in touch with the inner Master, then when you’re distant or away from the physical Master, can you find yourself in the company of people from other masters and still be part of the same brotherhood because they’re all following the inner teacher?

M: It depends on what teacher you’ve found. Suppose you’ve found only the physical master, the one who can teach you only from the outside in the physical world and who has no access to the inner level yet because he himself hasn’t reached it. Then, of course you can go to any other master and be in any company because you need it.

But suppose you find only the inner Master, like suppose you meditate and find Jesus talking to you inside and it’s not an illusion; it’s the real Jesus. The Spirit talks to you, but you can only make contact with Him when you’re deep in samadhi, in your spiritual awareness. Then, of course you can go around and meet some other people and meditate with them.

But if you’ve already found a Master who is a manifestation on the physical level as well as a Master from an inner level of consciousness, then you don’t worry about where the Master is because that Master will be omnipresent. Once you make contact with that Master, She or He will look after you all the time. No matter where you are — even if you go to an inner level, an outer level, hell or Heaven — you won’t be alone because the Master is omnipresent. That Master is not only the physical body but also the inner Master of spirit. Then, you don’t need to mix with any other master or teacher. You can; of course you can. You won’t lose contact with the Master once it’s made with that kind of inner and outer Master in one. But you don’t need to mix.