God as our witness and Supreme Master Ching Hai as our savior, we have
now entered the Golden Age of spiritual opportunity, when all ignorance
will fall away, leaving the bright light of Truth in its place.
This era has been foretold in the world’s
scriptures since ancient times, but alas, it is now before us; we are
immersed in it! The current transformation seems unreal to the intellect,
but humanity’s apprehension will slowly fade away as the world
becomes more saturated in God’s Heavenly Light. Our place in the
Golden Age is no longer a matter of mental calculation, but a beautiful
voyage Home guided by our innermost nature.
Trust seems to be paramount on this exciting new
journey for our minds no longer comprehend what may happen, how it will
or why. Human thought is by nature confusing, and when good becomes
bad and bad becomes good, the process of judging people and situations
becomes foolish.
For example, one day a man rushed to his office,
forgetting to carry with him an important document he had prepared for
a morning meeting so he realized that he had to go back home to get
the document. On the way to his house he became angry with himself and
blamed God for not reminding him to bring the file. But when he arrived
home, he found a thief searching his house and was able to scare him
off. At that moment he thanked God for making him return home. Thus,
because we are not always aware of what God is going to arrange for
us in the next step of our life’s journey, our minds judge from
the present situation, and this is often unwise.
So may God grant humans the openness to accept the
paths Hes lays out for us in the Golden Age and the trust to know that
all will be well, in hopes that the Earth finds peace in the new way
we have chosen to live.