
The Douala Center Celebrates its First
Ching Hai Day

On October 25, 2003, initiates from the Douala Center, Cameroon, Central Africa celebrated Supreme Master Ching Hai Day for the first time. The Center was beautifully decorated for the occasion to welcome guests, who traveled from all corners of Douala to share Master’s special day. The Convenient Method practitioners and initiates in attendance expressed their love for Master by performing many songs and poetry recitations. Captivated by Master’s wise words during a video presentation, the guests expressed deep interest in and respect for Her teachings by asking many insightful spiritual questions. The initiates also shared with the guests how their daily lives have changed since coming into contact with Master’s teachings. Then, during a question-and-answer session, the Cameroonian brothers and sisters expressed their interest in and devotion to Master’s teachings through their thoughtful responses to the visitors’ questions.

Moreover, a buffet of vegetarian food was served and greatly appreciated by everyone, with some people asking for further information about vegetarianism and seeking to learn the recipes. The celebration took longer than planned and since it was the rainy season in Cameroon the initiates wondered if it would rain. But to everyone’s surprise it remained sunny all day! However very late at night after the celebration it rained until the next morning. It was then that the initiates realized that Master’s love is always present and takes good care of everything. Thank You, Master, for Your arrangement and unlimited love. The Cameroonian brothers and sisters wish You a Happy Ching Hai Day!

Below are the lyrics to a song to Master:

You are a soft wind
Blowing in my life,
Cleaning up my foulness.
You are the morning sun,
Stirring up all our hearts,
Keeping us in your warm love.
Though Your boundless love
You keep us close to you forever.
Through Your sparkling eyes
You transmit peace.
Through Your sweet smile
You restore hope.
Above all mothers,
You remain the Mother of mothers.
To You we are grateful,
Oh, Mother Ching Hai!