On the night of September 12, 2003, while Koreans were celebrating Korean Thanksgiving Day with family members, Typhoon Maemi struck the Korean peninsula with record-force winds, causing 131 deaths, property loss of approximately US$ 4,300,000,000, the destruction of thousands of homes and other damage. Worst of all, flood victims from last year’s typhoon who were living temporarily in large containers lost their makeshift homes as a result of Maemi, and were thus left in a seemingly hopeless situation.

To relieve the victims’ suffering, our merciful Supreme Master Ching Hai sent US$ 50,000 in relief funds the day after the Typhoon hit, and, encouraged by Master’s great Love, the Korean disaster relief team and fellow initiates from each center in Korea rapidly conducted round-the-clock relief activities.

The initiates began by setting up a command post at the Busan Center, which is located in the area most severely affected by the Typhoon, and performed a rapid site investigation. Through their analysis, through the Internet, and through visits to public offices, the relief team learned that the damaged areas were so widespread that most victims were receiving no help. The team members then decided to visit the flooded areas and carry out on-site relief work.

Saengbiryang-myeon Township, Sancheong-gun County

The homes in this area were flooded up to their roofs, ruining everything inside. To satisfy the emergency needs of the residents, on September 15 fellow initiates visited the region and provided necessities such as water and warm words of comfort.

Jeonggok-myeon Township, Euiryung-gun County

Early on the morning of September 16, about twenty initiates visited Euiryung-gun County. At a time when the local rice fields should have been glowing with the golden hues of harvest time, shades of gray predominated in the region due to damage caused by the flooding, and the houses in the County looked like part of a war zone.

The head of Jeonggok-myeon Township happily greeted the relief team members, explained the scope of the damage, and began to guide the relief activities. The team then visited victims one by one, providing daily necessities and helping to clean up their houses and the surrounding environment. At first sight, the victims appeared extremely serious and miserable, but as the work progressed late into the night, they became more relaxed and happy. Not only did the initiates provide them with physical comfort, but also offered spiritual upliftment through Master’s magazines and sample booklets.

During the project, team members were introduced to a bright-eyed young man in his thirties who had been paralyzed from a previous accident and was being cared for by an elderly blind person. The team’s representative emphasized to the man that its members belonged to a spiritual organization and had come to him with the blessings of The Supreme Master Ching Hai. He showed great interest in meditation, and the group then discussed the purpose of spiritual practice, Master’s journey for the Truth, Her earthly mission and other topics. During the discussion the young man cried and shakily tried his best to read Master’s sample booklet. It was deeply touching to witness this heartfelt display of devotion. In compliance with his request, the initiates taught him the Convenient Method, and he continued to meditate even after they left. They were happy that he had experienced true liberation through learning about Master despite the disaster which had befallen him.

Samga-myeon Township, Hapcheon-gun County

On September 17, the relief team visited Samga-myeon Township, Hapcheon-gun County. The entire township experienced flood damage as the water level had risen to the roofs of homes, and everything inside was mixed with mud, trash and sewage. About fifty fellow initiates from all around Korea devotedly cleaned the houses and surrounding area as if they were their own and thus improved the environment tremendously.

Daeji-myeon and Yooeo-myeon Townships, Changnyung-gun County

On September 18, the relief team visited Daeji-myeon and Yooeo-myeon Townships, Changnyung-gun County, which were also in a dark, dank condition as foul odors permeated the atmosphere. Despite the circumstances, however, the fellow initiates, dressed in their yellow uniforms, worked hard in rice fields and farmhouses, providing twenty-seven homes in Yooeo-myeon and thirty-eight in Daeji-myeon with relief materials and work assistance. When the initiates arrived at one elderly woman’s house, she was extremely discouraged and depressed, but after a long conversation with a relief team member, and after all her furniture and dishes had been cleaned, she became recharged and looked bright again. Later, the head of Daeji-myeon Township, Mr. Han Sam-Yoon, sent a thank-you letter to the Busan Center (Please see attachment.)

Gadeokdo Island

On September 19, the initiates visited Gadeokdo Island, one of the areas most severely damaged by the Typhoon. Even before their arrival, the relief team members could well guess how terrible it must have been when the storm surge struck the Island, which became a large dumping ground for debris. In addition to the relief team, many military personnel also helped in the local rescue effort, and promised the islanders that they would stay with them as long as they needed their assistance. A large number of houses in the area had been completely destroyed by strong waves from the Typhoon, and many were partially destroyed as well.

Most residents escaped from the Island, but those who stayed expressed extreme surprise at the storm’s severity. For example, one person tearfully told us, “There hasn’t been a disaster like this in my fifty years of life. The waves took everything away and I felt the impermanency of human existence. Your visit is a great comfort to me. Thank you so much.”

Fellow initiates not only collected trash along the seashore but also cooperated with army personnel in carrying out other projects. While cleaning up the coast, the relief team members reminded themselves of Master, Who once referred to Herself as “a spiritual garbage collector” (i. e., one who collects others’ karma), and thanked Master for providing them with the chance to check on their inner status and purify themselves through their efforts.

Myungji-dong Village, Busan City and Gadeokdo Island

On Saturday, September 20, fellow initiates from many Korean centers visited the Myungji-dong Village area of Busan City. Since Myungji-dong Village is near the sea, many of its houses and fields were flooded by Typhoon Maemi. In the midst of sandy, gusting winds, the initiates meticulously helped to clean up local roads and farm areas, including damaged green onion fields, which were especially heartbreaking to see, as elderly farmers tried desperately to salvage their crops.

After lunch, the initiates moved back to Gadeokdo Island, where they met a reporter from the Seoul Disabled People’s Newspaper, who told them of a handicapped couple that needed financial assistance. Thus they quickly collected their pocket money and donated to the family. The wife was so touched by this gesture that she wept with joy over the outpouring of love shown to her, and everyone present could not help weeping as well. The relief team also took pictures for the reporter, who included them in an article for her newspaper about the beautiful actions of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association.

Daeji-myeon Township, Changnyung-gun County;
Jeonggok-myeon and Jijung-myeon Townships,
Euiryung-gun County

On September 21, brothers and sisters from all over Korea gathered at the Busan Center to share their experiences during the relief project and further put their love into practice. Two video seminars originally planned for other cities were cancelled so that the Korean initiates could focus on helping Typhoon Maemi disaster victims, and an overnight retreat was planned to elevate the depressed atmosphere of the region.

After the retreat, the initiates made preparations for further rescue visits and divided into two teams, one of 51 members to visit Changnyung-gun County and another of 73 members to go to Euiryung-gun County. In both areas, many residents had lost their crops and livelihoods to the rising river water. But the intrepid volunteers attempted to improve conditions by helping to clean up vinyl houses and flood affected fields, roads and hillsides. Despite the fatigue felt by all, the initiates were able to continue their work through Master’s invisible support.

Comforting Injured Firefighters

On September 22, the relief team was warmly welcomed by the fire chief and his staff when they visited firefighters from the Busan South Fire Station, who had been injured while rescuing flood victims. Some of the firefighters needed medical treatment, while others continued with their rescue missions. In appreciation of their unconditional spirit of sacrifice, the relief team offered each one a beautifully decorated gift including relief money, a thank-you note, flowers, chocolates, Master’s books and tapes and other items.

The fire chief had learned of The Supreme Master Ching Hai through the Association’s Korean website. He was most interested in the Association, and said he was surprised at the members’ generosity and good will. Busan contact person read the following thank-you letter: “There have been many disasters in our country; however, overwhelmed by the suffering of the victims, society has not always shown enough respect and appreciation for your noble courage. So please remember that the international community sincerely appreciates and praises your devoted efforts, and it is our honor to say thank you on behalf of all the people.” The Busan firefighters were also touched to learn that The Supreme Master Ching Hai had sent relief funds to firefighters injured in the recent Daegu Subway disaster, as well as to those who worked during the 9-11 disaster in the United States.

Afterwards, the initiates visited the two most seriously injured Busan firefighters, who were inpatients at a local hospital, and provided $6,364 in relief funds along with gift baskets containing Master’s publications. The relief team also held a brief meditation session for a firefighter who had lost a leg and wished him a speedy recovery as his wife and other staff members joined them in prayer. Then with tearful hugs, everyone promised to continue praying for him.

Early on the morning of the 22nd, approximately twenty fellow initiates visited Cheolam-dong Village, Taebaek City, home to an abandoned coal mine. This area used to be the largest coal mining region in Korea, and all the remaining housing was completely destroyed by flooding in the Typhoon’s aftermath. Since the destruction was so widespread, it took four days of rescue work to bring some measure of comfort to local residents.

The rescue team also provided bedclothes, clothing, rice and daily necessities to residents of Gagok-myeon Township, Samcheok City, Cheolam-dong Village, Taebaek City, and Socheon-myeon Township, Kyungsangbukdo Province.

The field work of relief team members during the Typhoon Maemi disaster can never be forgotten. Through this experience, Korean initiates again came to realize how important it is to put their knowledge into practice. In daily life we are often bound by personal habits and our minds cheat us into obsessive thinking, making it difficult for us to share our love. However, if we simply prepare to respond whenever the need arises, our thoughts will be tuned into Master’s teachings and we will become charged with a consciousness of love and compassion. As Master says, helping others is helping ourselves, and in addition we learned that blessings for others are blessings for us.

Members of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association who conducted rescue activities in the aftermath of Typhoon Maemi