Report from Australia

Master's Love Prevails in Nimbin

[Byron Bay] Recently, fellow practitioners from the Byron Bay/ Northern Rivers Center, with support from the Brisbane Center, conducted a video seminar to introduce Master's teachings to residents of the small, scenic village of Nimbin. This community is situated in the back hills of the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales, Australia, an area well known for its world heritage rainforests and unspoiled mountain country, where artists and alternative lifestyle advocates live in idyllic wilderness retreats.

After the video seminar in Nimbin, New South Wales, participants joyously anticipate initiation.

Local initiates simply intended to share Master's Love in this remote area, but much to their surprise, they experienced a better response than at any previous seminar. Master's love completely permeated the atmosphere at the event, and after Master's video lecture and the subsequent question and answer session, the guests responded with great enthusiasm, as some shed tears of joy and gratitude.

During the seminar, many longing souls realized their dreams of finding eternal liberation through Master's message, and now they are earnestly awaiting initiation into the Quan Yin Method.

An Inspiration to All Spiritual Practitioners

[Byron Bay] When a brother from Byron Bay quietly stated the amazing personal benefits he had gained from practicing the Quan Yin Method, his sincere testimony was demonstrated in his resolve to get to Sunday group meditation by bicycling for three and a half hours to the local center. Now, each Sunday, he leaves Byron Bay at 2:00 AM to arrive at the meditation center at Nimbin for the first of the two meditation sessions. But the brother feels that this is not a major achievement due to the joy and tranquility he feels when riding in the early morning hours along quiet, uninhabited country back roads in the beautiful mountain country of the Northern Rivers region under twinkling stars.

The best part is when he gets to the top of the mountains and cruises down the slopes with the cool crisp mountain air in his face and the quietness of the forest all around him. Except for an occasional startled wallaby or kangaroo dashing from the roadside into the forest, all is blissfully peaceful. So, in his words, this experience adds an extra dimension to the already great benefits he gains from his spiritual practice and from Master's manifold blessings.

Each Saturday the local fellow initiates send text messages to the brother's mobile phone insisting on collecting him early Sunday morning to save him from having to ride so far. However, he is always adamant that he will ride his push bike to group meditation as he does not like to impose on others.

This is a great example of the brother's dedication to his practice and a testament to the power and benefits he obtains from weekly group meditation. His example is an inspiration to all!

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