Master’s Wonders


An Initiate’s Family
Experiences Master’s Divine Intervention

By sister initiate Aimee Blossom Fanton, Byron Bay
/ Northern Rivers, Australia (Originally in English)

A few weeks before my younger sister was due to give birth to her third child, she was found by her doctor to have birth complications and was rushed to the hospital, where thankfully, her baby was born happy and healthy but under unusual conditions. An extremely large amount of fluid was present at the birth. This normally occurs when a baby has severe deformities or in the case of eclampsia - a condition in which the mother’s blood pressure becomes so high that it causes toxic blood to flow into the baby’s body. However, neither of these complications was present, and the doctors were baffled.

The baby was born healthy with only one small finger deformed. So the doctors suspected that there might be chromosomal changes and brain damage. However, the tests for these problems showed no signs of abnormality. My sister later told me that during her pregnancy she had had an irrational fear that her baby was going to be born deformed. We have since learned that my sister’s house is in a high-risk zone exposed to harmful electrical fields, which can cause, among other things, birth defects. Three of the seven children born recently in neighbouring families have been affected with deformities.

A week before the baby was born, I had had a dream in which the unborn child was immersed in water and suffering from bodily incompleteness. After awakening, I felt a level of heartbreak and despair that I have rarely felt before, as the vivid dream weighed heavily on my heart that day. The next night I had another dream, but this time the baby was whole and the nightmare was gone, and in a flash and I felt Master’s love.

I feel that Master’s grace and compassion saved my sister’s baby from a life with a deformed body. Through my dream, She let me experience only a fraction of the heartbreak that would have been, and I thank Her for easing the karma of my loved ones. Truly, if we let Her, Master always looks after us and takes away our karma, extending Her love and compassion even to those we care for. Her love creates a wall of grace and security. She truly lifts me up and I am filled with gratitude for Her ever-present care and protection!

The European Retreat Sparks Childhood Memories of Master’s Divine Protection

By fellow initiate Wonwilai Rakkandee, Munich, Germany (Originally in German)

Because of the videoconference with Master during the European Retreat in Hungary, August 2002 became an unforgettable time in my life. After the conference, all my childhood memories of experiences with Master surfaced.

The atmosphere of the conference room became infused with Master’s love and blessing as soon as She appeared on the screen, and I was overwhelmed during the entire event. I was extremely lucky to talk personally with Master for the first time at this conference. My heart beat very quickly and I felt happier than I had ever felt in my life. Two days after the conference my heart was still singing and full of joy.

During meditation on the day after the conference, many of my childhood memories and adventures arose in my mind. I had a difficult childhood and can remember that at the age of seven I ran barefoot along the road under the hot sun of Thailand to collect plastic, bottles, metal and cardboard that I then sold. This was my contribution to my family’s income. It was not much, but it gave me peace because they were not really my family.

Often I would hide in a corner crying and ask myself, “Why don’t I have parents? Why doesn’t anyone love me? Why does no one want me? Why was I left behind all alone? Where is my family? What is love? What is God? Why I am here?” I had thousands of such questions.

But during the night, when I went to bed, Shakyamuni Buddha, the Boddhisattvas or Maitreya Buddha always took me with them to a different, beautiful world, where I experienced great fun and laughter. There I always felt deeply loved and sometimes when no Buddhas or Boddhisattvas came to get me, dragons would come, put me on their backs and fly everywhere with me. These experiences always made me feel very happy so sleep became my shelter from life, from the suffering of the earthly world.

When I did something bad, a strange sun shone at night in my dreams. The sun was so bright that I could not look directly at it. When I was unhappy during the day and cried out of despair, this sun also came to me. Since my childhood, for as long as I can remember, it accompanied me, and the Buddhas, Boddhisattvas and sweet little dragons were always beside it. When I was unhappy, needed help or was in mortal danger (I nearly died five times) they were always there.

When I was 24 years old, three angels of death came to see me every night for nearly a month. During that time, I hardly slept because each time I tried to sleep they came and pulled my soul out of my body. I then always recited Buddha’s name, after which they let me go immediately. But as soon as I fell asleep, they came again.

After about a month I wanted to give up fighting against them but then a Hindu guru came to me in a dream. He brought me to a house that was full of pictures of Chinese guardian angels. They were all enormous and looked very alive. The Hindu guru put a white cloth on the floor and told me to lie on it. When I was lying on it, he changed into a woman with white light but I did not know who she was. She put herself on top of me and covered us both with a white cloth. After that, all the angels of death and ghosts disappeared. In Thailand this symbolizes that a person’s life has been prolonged.

Several months later, I received a very old copy of Master’s sample booklet and thought, “My God, such an enlightened Master! Is She still alive?” I then wrote to Formosa and got the phone number of the contact person in my area. I called the contact person and soon after my first visit to the Dusseldorf Center, asked to learn the Convenient Method.

While practicing the Convenient Method, I received infinite blessings and experiences and I could already hear the Sound. I could also feel the presence of Master Ching Hai every second. Six months later, I received initiation. The time before my initiation was full of painful longing. When I finally received initiation I realized for the first time who or what that strange sun and its attendants were. It had been my beloved Master.

I always feel like crying when I think that Master has been looking after me since birth and even before that, because my mother tried to abort me in many different ways. Master kept me away from all the negative influences that wanted to destroy me and later wanted to prevent me from getting initiation. I know what Master had to go through so that I could get initiation, and with it, final liberation. For the first time I realize what happiness, joy, compassion and love mean. I do not know how to thank You; no words can express my gratitude; I can only give You a poem made of dry syllables. I hope nevertheless that You can feel in my heart what I feel for You, because You and I are “twins” just as You wrote in one of Your poems.


Because of You

Love inside me can be strong... because You trust me,
The romantic side of me can be born... because You love me,
I have a beautiful day and at night dream like a baby... if You just look at me.
I have the eternity of Heaven here and now... because You are with me.
All my desires are fulfilled because You are in my presence.

But if You were not at my side, Mother,
I would be exhausted immediately, like a fish on dry earth.
I would suffer and die... without love, but full of fear,
Gone... without light; everywhere would be darkness,
Alone... without You, I’m lost in the space of uncertainty.
Where would my soul go, without Your guidance?
Where can my soul take refuge, without Your compassion?
Where can my soul take rest, without Your love?

Only in You can I find myself, Master. Only in You can I have safety, Mother.
Only in You can I see the glory, my holy Light.
Only in You I feel love and acceptance Because You always carry me in Your heart;

Because You are the Light;
Because You are the Way;
Because You are the Sign;
Because You are the Beauty;
Because You are the Supreme;

The greatest of all,
The King of Kings,
Magnificence of the Universe.
Because of You, everything begins to awaken
In the Lotus of Heaven.


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