of Life with Master in the Early Years Part

Our Master, who
is one with all and senses the joys and sorrows of all sentient
beings as though they were Her own, cannot bear to see even a
tiny being hurt. The following anecdotes show how the tender and
meticulous care and boundless love of a Saint are naturally revealed
through Her daily words and deeds.
Even in Firewood
In the forested mountains surrounding the Hsihu Center,
dead trees and dry twigs were available everywhere. So we seldom used
gas for heating and cooking. Once when Master saw a resident disciple
making a fire, She immediately came over to tell her to withdraw the
wood from the fire, saying, How can you be so careless? Ive
told you to check and see if therere any worms or tiny creatures
hiding in the wood before burning it. Ants, especially, love to hide
in bamboo and tree holes, so please check very carefully!
When sentient beings were hurt by the fire, Master felt
the pain at once.
Fifth Kind of Disciple
When the inviting, golden-red persimmons were ripe in
the persimmon garden where Master used to live, She would call the disciples
over to pick the fruit. But She gave us special instructions: Do
not pick all the persimmons; leave some for the birds. Birds were
regular visitors to our kitchen, too. Master also told us to prepare
a bowl of fresh water and some cooked rice for them every day.
While at Hsihu, Master said with a smile that Shakyamuni
Buddha had four kinds of disciples, female and male monastic disciples,
and female and male lay disciples, but She had a fifth type; that is
animals - the birds and stray dogs that visited time and again, and
the neighboring cows, sheep and chickens that often transgressed the
boundaries of the Center to graze there.
Not only do human beings love to be around Master, but
animals love to see Her as well. During Masters lecture tours
and short stays in various countries around the world, some of these
fifth-group disciples have visited Her on occasion, becoming
attached to Master and refusing to leave.
to Cries for Help
Once Master was taking us for a stroll around a mountain
near the Hsihu Center, and we were talking and laughing as we walked.
Suddenly, Master stopped and bent Her head, so we all stopped, too.
Master then tapped the ground gently with Her bamboo stick and told
the disciple behind Her: Be careful, theres a butterfly
here. For some unknown reason, a butterfly had stopped in the
middle of the road and showed no intention of moving. Luckily, it had
met our Master, who is one with all beings. Otherwise, it could hardly
have survived after being trampled by the herd of blind elephants
that we were.
On another occasion when Master was walking around the
mountain, She suddenly called out the name of one of the resident disciples
who was not present. When we later mentioned this to the disciple, she
revealed that at that moment, she had been struggling in great pain
in her tent and had prayed to Master for help. Only when Master called
out her name did she get out of the perilous situation!
Transmission across Thousands of Miles
Once Master was cooking in the kitchen while I was watering
the vegetables some distance away. With the tap turned on and the water
running, I was humming some popular songs as I worked. Though the running
water was louder than my singing, I heard Masters voice coming
all the way from the kitchen: Instead of reciting the Holy Names,
what nonsense songs are you singing! I then shut up right away.
What sharp ears Master has! She could hear me over such a distance!
Everyone has a particular vibration and magnetic field.
Especially after being initiated by Master, the brain waves
from our slightest thoughts can disturb Her. Master is like a great
receiver that constantly picks up vibratory signals from all directions.
So, if our minds are not in the Tao all the time while we are around
Master, we can easily affect Her.
Master has said, The inner Sound can take us to
higher realms and then we will develop in all respects. The higher we
go, the more clearly will we be able to see, until finally, we can see
every corner of the Universe. At that time, we will be able to communicate
with any being, because we have already become one with the Universe.
(Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Japan, October 18, 1993, Originally
in Chinese, videotape No. 382) This indicates that, by practicing the
Quan Yin Method, each one of us can reach the level of being one
with all.
of Life with Master in the Early Years
Part II:

night, in front of Masters Glass House at Hsihu, She was planning
to read us the story of Naropa (Master of the great Tibetan Saint Milarepa).
Seeing a thick, hardcover book in English lying on Her desk, we knew
that we were going to have another wonderful night! Usually, Master
seldom looked up words in the dictionary when reading stories to us.
But that night She gave special instructions to Her attendant to bring
a dictionary in case it was needed, because the book had been translated
from the scriptures of Esoteric Buddhism, which abounds in special terms.
Master thus had been very careful and diligent, having browsed through
the text before reading it to us.
Naropa experienced all types of humiliations and tests
on his Truth-seeking path. Being an expert story-teller, Master made
the legend a thousand times more interesting than usual, with one exciting
climax after another. As our spirits wandered to the ancient kingdom
of Tibet, we totally forgot what time it was.
Master finished reading the story at midnight, and the
night air was wet with heavy dew. Then, after having said good night
to everyone, Master went inside Her Glass House and continued to read.
The small house owes its name to the huge glass panes on all four of
its sides. Now that its windows were wet with dew, many tiny streams
of water had formed on the panes. A desk lamp reflected Masters
slim figure in the faint, softly radiating yellow glow. This beautiful,
dreamy scene was like one from the world of crystal!