Q: I hear every Master say when they teach, Dont
go to another teacher. I know You said if youre riding
two bicycles, you cant learn to ride one. At the same time,
I understand that we are One, somewhere, somehow. So why is it that
this Oneness doesnt override the individual Master?
M: Because youre
already separated. It takes time and power and concentration to become
One again with all beings. So while youre separated, youd
better just concentrate on what you know and study what you have,
first. Otherwise, youll overwhelm yourself with many seemingly
contradictory theories and teachings.
The real Masters teach the same Truth,
but one may express it differently to certain individuals. And the
affinity that this Master has with His students is different from
the kind you have with other masters. But if you overwhelm yourself
with too many factors, then you cant digest it. And that will
make you slow to progress. Because you confuse yourself and you have
doubts about this path. Yet you cant go to that other path because
it seems similar. Because youre not yet developed enough to
discriminate which one is which, or assimilate that all are One. So
you might just as well stay with the level of your truth, until you
go above it. And then, of course, you can go to hell, not to mention
going to another human beings same level or a higher level or
a different level.
Stick with one thing at a time. Its
not that its forbidden; its just that while youre
studying with one professor in English, theres no need to go
to another English professor, because he will probably give you a
different kind of teaching or lesson. Just like he would give a mechanic
different terminology than you. You are studying to become a plumber,
so he would use different terminology for you. Both teach English,
but you learn about one thing at a time.
If later you want to, you can join the
other teacher. But by then it wont be necessary. So its
not necessary now, it wont be necessary later, it never has
been and never will be necessary. Stick with one teacher. If you believe
this teacher teaches the whole Truth, then stick with that. If you
dont believe it, then you can leave this teacher, go somewhere
else and stick with that teacher alone. But be careful before you
move. Otherwise, youll waste your time shopping around.
Faith can move mountains. And I can promise
you that whatever I teach you is wholly true. If not, I fear Gods
punishment. If I were not able to teach, I would not dare. Because
Im also a lady and a woman; Im a human, and I also fear
God. If I werent there, I wouldnt dare. Maybe
you would dare, but I wouldnt. Because I fear God. Why would
I do that, if I didnt know? Because I dont feel that I
need anything. Looking into my heart, I realize I dont need
So if I teach you, its because
I should and because I know. And what I know, I give to you, the highest
Truth that I know. If I teach you because I need you or need money,
fame or things like that, then maybe I do it wrongly or maybe I just
do it for the sake of having the fame or the profit. But when I look
into my heart, I see I dont need anything! And whatever I know,
I know its the Truth. Many of us know its the Truth --
we can testify to it again and again.
Even if Im wrong, all of you cant
be wrong. And Ive been searching Heaven and Earth: Theres
no better thing than what Ive taught you. (Applause) This is
not meant to convert you. Its just to tell you because you ask.
But of course, as is your level, so will you understand me or not
understand me. I cant force you. Im just telling you as
a promise, as a vow, as a statement, so that if you need this confirmation,
you have it.