Letters of Appreciation

The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association has received many letters of appreciation from libraries around the United States for their complimentary copies of the music book
One World ... of peace through music

The 216-page volume offers readers an opportunity to relive the captivating magic of the 1998 concert of the same name through the Supreme Master Ching Hai's beautiful lyrics, colorful graphics, piano scores and participating artists' biographies and commentaries. It is truly an invaluable book to be shared with all music and poetry lovers. In the past few months, hundreds of public, private and university libraries around the United States have included the book in their precious collections. The Supreme Master Ching Hai's poetic artistry will touch millions more readers through this text, which is now available in practically every library system in the country.

The following are some of the universities whose libraries have corresponded with us: the University of California at Santa Barbara, the University of Wyoming, the University of Colorado at Boulder, Eastern Illinois University, Indiana University, Kent State University, Central Missouri State University and North Central University; the Orange Country Public Library in California also sent a letter. Below is the Stanford University Library's correspondence .

(Originally in English)

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